I'm sorry. (Tyler Galpin X Reader) [1/2]

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[SPOILERS AHEAD! If anybody hasn't yet watched episode 7 onwards, please click away from this one-shot. I hate spoiling things for people, it's unfair. Happy reading! :) ]

We stood outside, Tyler and I, under a thick blanket of cloud that wandered the forest.
The last of the day's sunlight peeked through gaps in the clouds, piercing holes and drawing sharp lines into the ground wherever it could.

A large stone structure stood before us, completely out of place in comparison to the surrounding forest. Pillars stretched high beyond what the cloud blanket allowed us to see, and a strange stone floor lay under the structures roof.
It was a completely open, stage-like construction.

I shivered against the cold, and Tyler took a step toward me, pulling at one side of his jacket to wrap it around me.

Before he could make contact, Wednesday Addams emerged from the dark.
Her shoes clicked against the stone floor.
She made her way down toward us silently, until she stood a mere meter away.

I inhaled slowly, and held that long, single breath like it was my last.

"Uhm, hey," Tyler took a step back from me, "Thing sent us a note? What did you need us for?"
He folded his arms over his chest, smiling awkwardly.

"It's a surprise." Wednesday answered, her voice as cold and blunt as usual.

I looked between the two of them, my heart beginning to pound, scolding me for the lack of oxygen.

Tyler stepped forward, leaves crunching under his feet, and Wednesday circled past him.
She came to a stop beside me.

"I've been thinking," she said, "reevaluating my opinions on people. Mainly, who I trust."
She takes another step toward me.
"Who my friends are."

Tyler scoffed quietly. "I don't get it."

"Xavier warned me about you, but I didn't listen." She cast him a cold glare, folding her arms to her chest to mirror his actions.

"Ironic now, huh?" Tyler muttered. His voice bore this new, cold undertone.

"Ironic would be having him arrested while the real Hyde helped me put him away." Wednesday shot back.

"Wait.." Tyler's brow furrowed, and I shakily released the breath of air I'd held captive in my chest for so long.
"Y-you don't think-"

"I don't think," she spoke confidently, "I know. Kinbott probably discovered your secret during one of your sessions, so she unlocked you."
She took a slight step forward, raising a brow, "Why'd you kill her? I thought typically Hyde's were loyal to their masters."

"Wednesday, seriously, this is nuts." Tyler responded. He glanced at me, and then at Wednesday, and back at me.
"Y/N, are you hearing this?"

"Leave her out of it." Wednesday snapped.
She proceeded to list a series of 'coincidences' that happened to tie Tyler to the crimes committed by the Hyde.

I zoned out, letting my eyes roam the trees, watching my breath disappear into the night in thin, pale ribbons that reached up, and up, and vanished.

"I'm not a monster!" Tyler said defensively. His voice was shaky, his body hunched. "And... and if you really thought I was, why would you risk bringing me out to the woods to confront me alone?"
He shot me a quick glance.
"Well, somewhat alone."

That sent a streak of fear down my spine, racking it like a freight train on its tracks.
He wouldn't hurt me, would he?

"Who said we were alone?" Wednesday asked.

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