Their Favourite Date

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- Hates them
- Would sometimes invite you to her dorm to talk and help out during her 'Writing Time', and 'doesn't really care' if you call it a date
- The idea of an official lovey-dovey date repulses her, though

- Picnic date
- Sunset or sunrise with a nice little picnic (her preference would be in a flowery field) while doing little bits of art like those kiss-the-canvas paintings or making daisy chains
- Is literally always doing something or way-in over her head about anything she has to attend or do, and it's a perfect way to relax

- Movie nights
- Chilling with a box-set or watching a Netflix series with you under a pile of blankets and surrounded by pillows at his house is definitely one of his favourite ways to spend the night
- You guys either stay up until early-morning watching movies, or fall asleep during.

- Teaching each other your hobbies
- It started with a date in his art studio where he decided to try and teach you how to do art, and after a few dates like that, he decided to ask you about trying out things that you're interested in as well
- Now the main dates you two go on are trying out talents and hobbies that the other person is interested in.

- Staying in and playing video games
- In his dorm or at his house, either playing against each other, taking turns, having you play while sat in his lap, or having you sat on his lap while he plays
- It's comfortable, it's fun, and you always bring snacks with you so it's obviously perfect.
- If you're sat on his lap while he's playing, you'll always give him random cheek/shoulder kisses that catch him completely off guard

- Spa dates/matching manicures & pedicures
- Pampering each other and having a girly spa-like sleepover is her favourite pastime
- You'll paint each other's nails, talk and gossip, watch movies, do face masks and makeup, you could have your hair braided or curled/straightener by her (if it's long enough), etc.

- Study dates
- At first you (jokingly, ofc) called him a nerd for this, but soon realised that it was actually enjoyable and even brought your grades up
- Either in your dorm or his, you'll study for tests together, and sometimes you even set up stupid little 'rewards' for each other while testing each other
- "A kiss every time you get one right."
   "Aghhh c'mon, Y/N, I'm rubbish at Geography!"
   "So am I, get it right so we can kiss."

- Casual coffee shop dates
- Go and get coffee from town, go back, cuddle and watch movies, chat for hours
- Kenzie literally just loves having you there with her, she doesn't really mind what you do.
- Sometimes you'll both go out, eg. Shopping, Ice Skating, Arcade, Bowling, etc., and of course Xavier third-wheels when required to.

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