Stormy Nights With Them

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- Isn't scared in the slightest
- Likes the lightening
- If you're scared, she'll hold your wrist/hand, but will still force you to be outside watching the lightening split the sky with her
- You ALMOST catch her smiling at it.

- Absolutely terrified
- Hides under her blanket
- You try to reassure her that nothing can hurt her
- You both end up putting on a movie on her laptop and watching it at full volume under her duvet to drown out the thunder

- Unbothered by it
- Continues with whatever he's doing when the storm starts
- If YOU'RE upset by it, though, he'll notice
- He decides to distract you by building a pillow fort with you and taking a bunch of snacks inside it
- If you actually enjoy storms instead of fearing them, he'll sit at the window and do stuff on his phone while you watch the storm

- Wasn't all that bothered by it
- Likes to watch the lightning strikes occasionally
- Would look up from whatever she was doing whenever the room lit up
- If you were scared, she'd let you sit close to her while she filled out assignments on her laptop
- If you weren't, the two of you would put music or a movie on in the background to add to the atmosphere

- He was the one freaked out by it
- He'd try to hide it, but would jump when thunder shook the room
- If you were scared, the two of you would cuddle together and instantly feel better while holding onto each other
- If you weren't scared, you'd cuddle him as he tried to act cool telling him there was nothing to he afraid of and storms could be kind of cool

- Completely unfazed by it, didn't even notice it
- If you were excited by it, you'd ask her to come and watch it with you (which she would, reluctantly)
- If you were scared, she'd call you a big baby and then let you hold her hand while she does homework

- Didn't particularly like the thunder as it was distracting and sort of creepy, but enjoyed the flashes of light the lightning brought
- Sat with your head in his lap while he was reading
- If you were scared, he'd let you lay on him while he read instead

- Absolutely LOVES thunder and lightning
- Wanted to go out in it
- You had to tell her no because she could get electrocuted
- She's the type of idiot person that would want to go swimming during a storm. (Lightning strikes water more often than land, including outdoor pools)
- If you were scared, she'd try to show you all the plus-sides and highlights of a storm, but if you seriously weren't hearing it, she'd comfort you instead
- You'd have a huge pillow fight until the storm was over

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(So sorry I've not updated for a few days, guys! I got sick and then came back with quite a bit of writers block. I'll try to get some updates in this week! Love you!)

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