A Snake's First Beard - [Short] (Ajax X Reader)

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"Holy SHIT!"

Your boyfriend runs out of the bathroom frantically.
He rushes over and grips your arm with a wide, toothy smile.
"Y/N, look!"

He points to a thin layer of stubble forming around the lower half of his face.
"I'm getting a beard!"

You stare at it in disbelief for a few moments, and then begin to snicker.

Ajax blinks twice. "What is it?"

You shake your head, and tell him, "Absolutely not, AJ."

His smile falters slightly. "Huh?"

"You'd look ridiculous with a beard, hun, it wouldn't be right."
You look up at him and smirk.
"Can I help you shave it off?"

Ajax's smile melts away completely.
"You don't like it?" He asks, disappointed, "I thought it looked manly."

"You can look tough without a damn beard, AJ!" You tell him, squeezing his arm reassuringly, "You have snakes for hair for crying out loud! I can't think of many things cooler than that."

He takes a moment to contemplate, and a glint of worry excites his eyes.
"Will it hurt?" He mutters.

You shake your head.
"Absolutely not. Pinky promise."

You interlock pinky fingers and he inhales deeply.

"Alright, fine." He says finally. "Do it."

A few minutes later, you're in the bathroom with a small dish of warm water, shaving cream, and a razor in your left hand.

"Stay still!" You tell him.

You fail to hide the fact that the idea of removing your boyfriend's new beard actually quite entertains you.

He sits himself down and you waste no time propping yourself down against him, straddling his lap (and grinning whilst doing so).

"Whattt are you doing?" He leans back, face flushing.

"What did I say about staying still?" You laugh, taking his chin in your free hand.
A little bit of shaving cream sticks to your fingers.


"I promise I'll be careful. Alright?" Your smile softens.

The edges of his mouth curl upward and he nods slowly. He inhales, then exhales, and as he lets his breath slip away, you feel the tenseness of his muscles move with it.

You carefully start above his lip, paying full attention to every move you make with the razor.
When his awful somewhat-mustache is no more, you dip the razor in the warm water dish to clean it.
"You okay?" You ask quietly.

Ajax says nothing, but nods contently in reply.
His eyes are closed, head rested against the wall.

Now, even he seems to be enjoying himself.

At some point while you were busy, he shrivelled his face up to sneeze.

"Jesus," you breathed through your nose as he sneezed quietly into your shoulder, "I almost cut you by mistake!"

He laughed, leaning back against the wall. "Sorry."

By the time you were done, and when Ajax's face was beardless once again, you'd managed — somehow — to not hurt him in any way.

"You alright?" You asked, tidying up as he admired himself in the mirror.

"Yeah," he muttered, "I look great."

You laugh at him, "C'mon, let's go to bed. I'm exhausted. Snakes never look right with hair anyway."

He kisses your cheek as the two of you exit the bathroom. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I still think I looked mega cool, though."

You sigh, getting into bed.

"Whatever you say, AJ."

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