Chapter 52: Protectors

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I lied. Get here pronto. The text, sent to Donovan in a flurry of anger, would be enough to get him there within an hour. He might arrive within a half-hour, if he sped. Kieran didn't care, so long as he showed up.

Naomi had always been stubborn, but she had never been quite so outspoken as Kieran had witnessed in the last few hours. He shouldn't have provoked her. Provoking Naomi had become a habit, but this time it might have pushed her too far. Kieran didn't know her boundaries. He had never cared about them before. What if his intervention pushed her into Ben's arms?

Since he couldn't let that happen, Kieran called in backup. Should Donovan ask questions, Kieran was fully prepared to make all the excuses he would need.

For now, Kieran kept an eye on Naomi, just to be safe.

Ben hadn't done anything extravagant on the journey back to the bonfire, but that was what worried Kieran the most.

Kieran had started out like Ben. Opportunistic. Self-centered. Arrogant. Thing was, Kieran had outgrown a couple of those descriptive words. Ben hadn't.

Kieran knew now, better than anyone else, his own worth. He didn't deserve attention, nor was he entitled to anything. Kieran exploited money from those who had too much, in exchange for offering them a piece of happiness in their dull worlds. But he knew better than to lay a finger on someone like Naomi. She wasn't like all the others he had known.

Ben would ruin Naomi faster than a rabbit could eat a garden.

Sadly, Naomi didn't seem to recognize that fact. For some reason, she had gotten upset at Kieran. Granted, he had pinned her behind a building, but how else was he supposed to get a moment alone to speak with her? Ben hovered like a puppy.

Like now, across the campsite. Ben settled on the end of the log Naomi had chosen, far too close to her side.

Kieran rolled his eyes. Ben didn't have to act so desperate. That wouldn't catch Naomi's attention. He knew from experience.

A throat cleared from the darkening space behind Kieran.

Kieran took two steps back and leaned against a tree. "Donovan."

"What's wrong?" Donovan asked calmly.

Kieran folded his arms over his chest. He couldn't be all ahuff about it, or Donovan would realize the actual issue. Only one excuse made sense.

"I want to bring a kid down a notch."

"Which kid?"

"The one that's most like me."

Donovan huffed a breathy laugh, clearly surveying the group of children before him. Then he stopped, long enough to say he had seen something. "He's after the Rowe girl."

Not a question, but a statement. Kieran didn't bother to confirm or deny. Donovan had figured it out in a matter of moments.

"What do you need me to do?" Donovan moved on as if he hadn't found Kieran's tactical weakness.

Kieran heaved a sigh, his glare fixed on the way Ben kept touching Naomi's shoulder or arm. "All we have to do is keep him away from her."

"I'll go now." Donovan took a step toward the firelit campsite.

Kieran snatched his arm to pull him back. "Not now. Later."


Kieran chuckled, sarcastic and bitter. "At his age, I would have planned to show up at her cabin after curfew and sneak her out. Secrecy creates adrenaline, which can be misconstrued as feelings."

Donovan nodded in understanding. "So, the plan is..."

"To keep him away from her cabin. Any means necessary."

Ben wouldn't easily give up what he felt entitled to. Kieran didn't care. He had ways to deal with petty thieves like Ben Porter.

"So you want me to guard her cabin all night," Donovan surmised.


"What will you be doing?"

Donovan didn't usually ask so many questions, which meant that he wanted the information badly. Probably to pass it on to that woman, but Kieran would let that slide. It was Donovan's job to report to her, after all.

Ben's hand settled too low on Naomi's back, steadying her as she wobbled on the log.

Kieran narrowed his gaze, wondering if it was possible to shoot lasers just by willing it. "I'll distract the kid."

"Why?" Annoyingly, Donovan didn't seem to be wrapping up his line of questioning.

Kieran shot him a look that told him to shut up. "The only person she's going to be catching fake feelings for is me. Do we have a problem?"

"No." Donovan shook his head. "But I'll say one last thing before I start patrol. Jealousy and possessiveness look kinda cool on you. Tawny never pulled those out of you."

Donovan disappeared into the shadows effortlessly, as if he belonged exclusively to the darkness. His statement, both parts, rang loudly in Kieran's head. Jealous and possessive. Tawny. All reasons why he had to make quick work of the end of his scheme. Naomi didn't deserve the things Kieran did to women. Kieran had responsibilities and duties that Naomi could never be a part of. The sooner they ended things, the better.

Right after he took care of the attention suddenly focused on his Little Rich Girl.

Kieran knew Ben's plan better than Ben knew it himself.

Mysteriousness. Late night rendezvous. Kieran had played those two cards more times than he liked to count. For the first time in his life, Kieran wanted to protect a woman from those tricks instead of using them on her. He didn't dare read into that feeling, lest it show its true colors in the form of affection.

Kieran couldn't afford to fall in love. But he couldn't allow Ben to play Naomi, either. The outcome of the night would decide how Kieran moved forward, as well.  

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