The Beet to the Tomb (Janice Lincoln, aka Beetle)

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"Are you alright, Randy?" Peter Parker ate a piece of pizza as he looked at the dark skinned teen in front of him. Peter could see that Randy looked nervous, as if he knew that something was going to happen. He could not guess why he looked that way. "You called me here all of a sudden, but you have yet to say a word..."

Peter looked at Randy, the boy still did not speak a single word. He sighed, eating the piece of his pizza before deciding to stand up. He had to patrol the city and look out for Madame Masque and Kingpin, two villains that have been active throughout New York as of late.

"Randy, I know that you have been having problems trying to find a way to explain everything to your father about your relationship with Beetle" Peter said, his eyes looking at Randy, who was even refusing to look at him. He just hoped that whatever problem Randy had right now, that it was nothing too severe. "But for your sake, I hope it is nothing that puts you in the wrong path"

As he decided to leave the place, he could have sworn that he heard Randy whisper something, but he really could not understand him at all. He just left, deciding that it was nothing important if Randy did not try and tell him when the two of them were face to face.

Time Skip

"Randy... Why would you do this?!" Spider-Man, whose identity was Peter Parker, swung from each building trying to reach the person that needed him in time. He could not believe that Randy would even work with Madame Masque. He even had to notify Janice's team of what was really happening. He was glad to be able to leave the place without getting blasted to the chest. "You really have to explain this shit to your father"

It was in no time at all when he found the warehouse where Madame Masque and Randy had taken Janice. He did not waste any time at all and broke through one of the windows and attacked one of the many guards that were there around Janice.

"It's the Spider! Attack him!" One of the many guards remaining yelled, which caused the massive attack on him to start. He skillfully dodged every attack that was aimed at him. He even managed to capture some of the bad guys in his webs, giving him enough time to try and free Janice.

"Why? I have hurt you many times, so why save me?" She muttered, her voice devoid of any life in it. He felt slightly responsible for this, him being one of the few people who told Randy to stay away from Janice. But if he knew then what was happening now, he would have told him that everything would work out. It was better than seeing him standing side by side of Madame Masque. "I loved him... And then-"

"Hey... We can talk later, just go! I'll handle this" He interrupted her, his senses letting him know that danger was incoming. A barrage of bullets was approaching the two, with Spider-Man grabbing Janice and moving the two out of the way. Peter then let go of her and began attacking the bad guys once more.

Janice looked at Spider-Man, her eyes almost devoid of any kind of emotion. But deep inside, she was thankful that he went out of his way to save her from Madame Masque. Her eyes still were letting tears oit, her heart unable to handle the pressure of being betrayed by Randy. She thought that he was the one for her but to suddenly betray her and give her to Madame Masque, it hurt badly.

"Janice!" She heard her name, but didn't recognize the voice. She was too hurt to even process things correctly. She wanted to help him, but at the same time she knew that helping him would feel weird after attacking him for most of her villainous career. "We must get you out of here, the Spider can handle it"

"Why... Why Randy?" Her voice was almost broken, her eyes still locked on the figure of the arachnid. He was saving her, even if he did not have to save her at all he was still doing so. It made her feel wanted, even if it was by the arachnid. She had many close ones that were dear to her, but feeling what Randy did to her hurted more than death. And seeing just how Spider-Man, the hero she hated down to her blood, saving her from the one that betrayed her was sort of satisfying. "Why...?"

"I don't know about you girls, but I ain't leaving before taking retribution" Janice did recognize the voice of Francine, who apparently was angry enough to fight besides Spider-Man against the bad guys. She just stood there watching just as one by one her friends joined the fight. She was happy to see just how her friends and the arachnid were protecting her. It meant everything to her.

Time Skip

Peter watched from the building just how the police arrested Randy and many goons. His mask was on his hands, his eyes showing regret as he could not save the son of a dear friend. He felt guilty, as if he had something to do with his decision. But deep down, he knew that he had nothing to do with it. He sighed, before looking at his mask in thought.

"You know, I never expected you to come and save me..." Peter put on his mask as fast as he could, turning around to see the face of Janice Lincoln still dressed in her Beetle flight-suit. Her eyes looked drained, and the rundown make-up was not helping at all. He watched as she smiled at him, her black painted lips creating a beautiful smile. "Thanks..."

"Yeah... Is it weird hearing you say that after you blasted me this morning for doing nothing" He tried to joke, but even he knew that his comment affected the villainess if the flinch was anything to notice. He felt bad for bringing it up, his mouth betraying him for the thousandth time. "Sorry, sometimes I don't have a filter..."

"It's alright, I deserve it. I guess..." Janice looked at the hero, the one who saved her without thinking twice. She felt grateful for him, her mind did not want to think what Madame Masque would have done to her if Spider-Man did not arrive on time to save her from Madame Masque.

"I am glad you are ok, Janice..." Spider-Man stated, turning around to turn his back to the female. He really needed to rest, his body ached a lot from the battle that he just went through. And it didn't help that Janice's friends attacked him from time to time. He was sure that Francine electrocuted him almost four times in an 'accident', or so she told him. "Be safe-"

"Spider! I..." Her words got caught on her throat, not wanting to leave. She wanted to let him know, to really let him know, that she was grateful for what she did for him. She got closer to him, looking straight at his lenses before her body acted on her own. She partially removed his mask and kissed him on the spot. It ended quickly, her face bright red by her actions. "T-There! Y-You can go now!"

Without saying any words, the arachnid hero just swung away. She watched the hero carefully swing through the buildings until she saw him no more. Her mind was running a mile a second, still wondering why she kissed the arachnid that has been such a pain to her back. But, at the same time, she did not hate it. It was clear in her mind that she wanted to see him again. And her mind now understood why every single female kept looking at Spider-Man leave.

"Wow... That arse..." She whispered. She was sure to burn the image to her mind. All she had to do is keep this secret from her friends, else she would want yet another interrogation day as three days ago when she told them about the boy that betrayed her. And she was definitely not blushing as she remembered his strongs arms, not at all.

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