~A day to forget~

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One year ago

It's a beautiful day in Portugal for Jasmin, today is her wedding day! She's only 22 years old and she's ready to commit to one man: Jude Bellingham (let's say he's 22 as well). They've been together for 3 years and believe they'll last forever. Their parents fully support their marriage and they are more than happy to welcome a new member of the family. Her best friends, Olivia and Kianna, come over to help her get ready for her big day.
Kianna: You're gonna look drop-dead gorgeous!
Jasmin Did you bring the dress???
Kianna: Of course! Why would I forget that?
Jasmin: Because you forget everything!
Olivia: I got the makeup and accessories!
Jasmin: Perfect!

They let her put on her wedding dress. It was wonderful, it looked like it came out of a fairytale. After they take care of the makeup, she's ready to get in the limo they rented for the day. The limo drove them to a huge cathedral where the wedding is being held. Her heart starts beating fast; in a couple of minutes, she's about to marry the love of her life.
Kianna: Breath in...and out...
Jasmin: This is so nerve-racking though!!
Olivia: You got this, he's probably sweating bullets as well!
Jasmin: I just hope I don't ruin my makeup when I cry because I'll definitely bawl my eyes out!
Olivia: Don't worry, it's waterproof! We got you covered!
Jasmin: Thanks girls, I'm so glad that you two are here on this special day!
Kianna: We gotta go have a seat with the other bridesmaid! Good luck!

They hug her before going to their own seats. Jasmin's father, Ricardo, walks over to her daughter.
Ricardo: Jasmin, you look absolutely stunned! Jude is one lucky man!
Jasmin: Thanks dad! I'm really nervous right now but I think it's good nerves!
Ricardo: You're ready to roll?
Jasmin: I'm ready.

There's just one door that separates her from Jude. He's patiently waiting for her while tapping his feet to relieve his nervousness. She grabs her bouquet of flowers and waits for the music to begin. When it does, the door slowly opens, and the crowd gets up and looks at her walking down the aisle, arm to arm with her father. Jude was absolutely speechless, the woman walking towards him is soon to be his wife.

She's soon to be Mrs. Bellingham.

Once she stands face to face with her fiancé, everyone sits down. The bridesmaids and the grooms are sitting in the front row with both families.
Jude: Wow...You're astonishing...This was really worth the wait...
Jasmin: So are you baby, In just a few moments, I get to call you my husband...

They smile at each other as the pastor begins the ceremony.
Pastor: We are gathered here today to join Jude Bellingham and Jasmin Laurier In holy matrimony.

The ceremony continues as they both exchange their vows.
Pastor: Before we go any further, does anyone want to object to this wedding? It's your time to speak now.

The crowd looks at each other to see if anyone would say anything.

"I do!" someone in the crowd said.

Gasps were heard and people are trying to find out who said it.

One of the grooms gets up from his chair and steps forward: It was Diego, Diego Lainez, her long-time friend.
Jasmin: Diego what are you doing?!
Diego: Saving you from the biggest mistake of your life...
Jude: Don't listen to him...
Diego: No! You're a cheater Jude!

The crowd gasps again and murmurs to each other trying to figure out why is he causing a scene.
Diego: Last night at the Bachelor party he cheated on you! I saw it with my two eyes!
Jude: I think you got way too drunk the other night! You guys ordered the strippers and I just sat there and watch!
Diego: We did get strippers and yes, you didn't have sex with any of them because you were too busy fucking Kianna!

Everyone looks at her in shock at what they've just learned. Jasmin felt more and more embarrassed to be standing up there with a guy who possibly cheated on her with her best friend.
Jasmin: Kianna...Please tell me he's capping...
Kianna: Jas...I'm sorry...
Jasmin: No...
Jude: Baby that was Jobe who did it I-
Jasmin: Oh now you blame that shit on your own brother?!
Diego: I've had my suspicions that he had an affair with her for a long time but last night just confirmed everything...
Jasmin: How long has this been going on...?
Jude: Jas please listen to me-
Jasmin: No! Tell me!
Jude: 4 months ago...
Jasmin: Wow...Unbelievable...for 4 months straight you pretended to love me and Kianna pretended to be my close friend! Now I understand why she loved coming over to my place! The wedding is off!!

She walks off trying to fight her tears as everyone watched her leave on her own.
Jude: Why the fuck did you ruin this for me?!
Diego: You didn't even care about her!! Look at you! You're cheating on her for that long, are you not ashamed of yourself?! She gave it her all in this relationship!!
Jude: Mind your own business next time!
Diego: At least I saved her from a man like you...

He walks out of the cathedral as well and his next mission is to find Jasmin. She couldn't have gone too far with only heels. He tries to look into a park not too far from the cathedral and finds her sitting on a bench crying. He sits next to her and pulls her into a tight hug.
Diego: Hey...I'm so sorry you had to experience that but I didn't want you to be hurt once married...
Jasmin: W-why...why would he do this to me...? With Kianna...I feel so betrayed...
Diego: I don't know either...
Jasmin: I'm sorry I didn't listen to you...I believed so hard in our love...I believed he was the one...
Diego: It's okay...Don't worry...sometimes we get blinded when we're in love...
Jasmin: Diego, take me away...I wanna go anywhere but here...I don't want to see anyone...
Diego: We're in Lisbon right now so I could take you back to Braga with me if you want...
Jasmin: Yes, I just need to get away from all this shit...
Diego: Alright, let's go.

He grabs her hand and they go back to the house she was in before to grab all her belongings and change into proper attire. Diego only brought a suit so he stayed that way. They took the train to Braga which lasted about 4 hours. All he could do for her is to wipe her tears and try to get her mind off this horrible day. Once they arrive, Jasmin realizes that she missed dozens of calls from her friends, family, and Jude.
Diego: I'll tell your dad that you're with me. Make yourself at home.

She nods and lays on the couch sobbing again. Diego's little dog Creed jumped on the couch and licked her face to light up her mood a bit.
Jasmin: Hey you...

She pets the dog and he responded by staying close to her. Diego finishes making his phone calls and looks over to see that she has fallen asleep with Creed in her arms. He smiles and puts a blanket over them to keep them warm.
Diego: Goodnight...No one will ever hurt you like this ever again...


I really don't know why I start many books but this one I feel kind of confident! So stay tuned for more! Let me know of some of your ideas as well! See y'all in the next chapter!

Best friends - Diego LainezWhere stories live. Discover now