~Burn it down~

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Present day

Jasmin walks out of the family agency after spending the whole day with models and attending a photoshoot.
Jasmin: Ouf! What a day! It's a hassle to put on 10 different outfits! I deserve a good break...

She drives home and orders pizza since she's too lazy to cook. Jasmin now lives in Braga to deal with the Portuguese division of the family's international clothing brand Laurier. Her family has many buildings around the world and has many collaborations with football clubs. Today, she took photos with some models for the new clothing line they're about to launch.  Once her pizza arrived, she decides to watch La Casa Del Papel once again.
Jasmin: Denver will always be in my heart, he's my number one!

The doorbell rings and she hears a dog barking. She knew exactly who was at the door.
Jasmin: Diego!!!
Diego: Hey Jas! How are you?
Jasmin: Good just a bit tired, how about you?
Diego: I'm good, Creed just really wanted to see you!

Indeed he did, he couldn't stop running around her. 
Jasmin: Aawwnn...Come on Creed! 

She picks him up and they all sat on the couch. 
Jasmin: So how's it going with Christelle? 
Diego: Great! Yesterday we went on a date and she loved it! 
Jasmin: That's great to hear! She's really the one for you! 
Diego: Thank you, and you? Have you found someone to your liking? 
Jasmin: Well...There's this guy, his name is André Silva, you know, he plays for Leipzig! He contacted me this week and we've been texting back and forth...

Diego googles his name and scrolls through his pictures. 
Diego: Jas, he's 27...
Jasmin: Yeah and? He's still attractive! 
Diego: Maybe, but please, I don't want you to make a mistake, not like Jude...

She deeply sighs, when he brings up Jude, it upsets her. 
Diego: I don't want you to be hurt again...
Jasmin: I'm being careful Diego, I am...
Diego: You know, It's been a year today since...ya know, the marriage...
Jasmin: The most embarrassing moment in my life...I still have that stupid dress...
Diego: Why do you have it? 
Jasmin: I don't know to be honest, I should get rid of it...
Diego: Let's burn it.
Jasmin: What...? 
Diego: Burn it, trust me, you'll feel much better when that's done. I'll go start the fire outside and you go get the dress. 

She goes upstairs and finds a big box where she left all her memories with Jude. Jasmin looks back at all the pictures she and Jude took, at all the jewelry he bought her, and even the giant stuffed strawberry he won for her at the amusement park. It was time to burn it down, burn those memories. Jasmin takes the box with her and goes to the backyard. Diego already made the fire and was waiting for her. 
Diego: Are you ready? 
Jasmin: Y-yeah...

She couldn't help but have tears in her eyes. Diego hugged her to try and comfort her as much as possible. 
Jasmin: I really loved him...I did...
Diego: I know Jas...But sometimes, love can be a bitch...

She grabs a picture of her and Jude and places it in the fire. The photo slowly burns in each corner until it disappears. Jasmin continues to put more and more pictures quickly until there's only the dress left. She held the white fabric and slowly, she lets it burn in the fire. 
Diego: I'm proud of you Jas...Now you can fully move on to someone new...
Jasmin: I hope so...André seems nice...
Diego: Keep your eye open alright? 
Jasmin: I will...I'll let you know about everything...I can always trust you. 

Best friends - Diego LainezWhere stories live. Discover now