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Diego is the first one to wake up and rub his eyes. He thought that he was sleeping next to Christella but as soon as he gets a better view, he realizes that it's Jasmin. He jumps and breathes out. Diego slowly left the couch without waking her up and put back his boxers that were thrown on the floor.
Diego: Holy shit...

He came to a realization of what happened last night. He couldn't believe it, it felt like a dream to him but looking at Jasmin's body, with his hair messed up and scratches on his arms, it was very much real. Diego made sure that the blanket covered Jasmin's body while he let her sleep.

There was a lot to process for him; his drunk self confessed how he really felt about her.

Will she remember?

Or she'll force herself to forget? Just like their first kiss.

Diego went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast while Jasmin kept sleeping. Creed walked towards Jasmin and jumped on the couch.
Diego: Creed no! Let her sleep!

He grabbed his dog and put him down. Creed started barking which woke her up.
Jasmin: Mmhh...

It took her a long time to realize that she was naked and that Diego was shirtless. She immediately wraps the blanket around her.
Jasmin: What the fuck?! Wha- what happened last night?!
Diego: You don't remember?
Jasmin: We had too much to drink and...Oh my goodness...I'm so sorry! Fuck this shouldn't have happened!
Diego: Don't be sorry, we both got drunk and one thing led to another.

Jasmin is completely shocked; not in a million years she would've thought that she would sleep with Diego.
Jasmin: I...
Diego: I know what you're gonna say, you want us to forget about this and move on. Don't worry, I know how to do that.
Jasmin: No no no-
Diego: I made you breakfast. We have the photoshoot soon.

She nodded and put her dress back to go to the table and eat her breakfast. It was really awkward because both Diego and Jasmin didn't know what to say. She immediately finished her food and went upstairs. Once she hopped in the shower, she couldn't help but think about the events of the previous night. Diego is also thinking about it deeply. What he said while he was drunk was his true feelings:

He wants Jasmin.

So bad.

He also went to his room to get cleaned up and ready for the photoshoot. Once Jasmin got downstairs, it was time to go. The car ride was also silent; none of them had something to say or simply didn't know how to approach things. When they arrived, they went straight to work. Diego got the chance to wear the new outfits that he and Jasmin worked on. When it was time to take pictures, Jasmin was behind the photographer to see the pictures being taken. Diego's eyes couldn't stop meeting hers and she knew it.

She knows that he's thinking about last night.

"Fuck Jasmin...I can't believe I have you...I can't believe that I can call you mine for one night...I'll make it special...As if it's gonna be the last time..." She remembers Diego's words while her nails were digging into his back.

"Jasmin? Hellooooo?? Earth to Jasmin!"
Jasmin: Huh?? Oh! What's up?
Photographer: We just need your opinion on the pictures. Do you mind taking a look?
Jasmin: Oh yes! Yes.

She snapped out of her daydream and looked at the pictures.
Jasmin: Those are really good. You can start sending these to our marketing team and they'll take care of it.

The photographer nodded and began sending the pictures to the marketing team. Diego went to the changing room and got into another outfit for another set of pictures. The successive glances that they gave each other made them question what's next for them: Do they never speak about it just like their first kiss or do something about it?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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