~New beginning ~

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Jasmin is already ready to go meet with André Silva but she needs to take care of a couple of documents at the office. It was hard for her to even concentrate because she was always checking her phone for a text from him. Her phone lights up and it's Diego calling her.
Jasmin: Hey Diego!
Diego: Hey Jas! Did you get anything from André?
Jasmin: No, not yet, he's probably on his way.
Diego: Okay, if he texts you anything, let me know. I'll drive you to the location.
Jasmin: I will, see you later.

She hangs up and continues doing her work. An hour later, André sends her a text to meet her at a park. She immediately texts Diego so he can pick her up and drive there.
Diego: Stay safe okay? If he tries to do something sketchy, let me know. Text me where y'all at.
Jasmin: Diego, you're acting like my dad right now...
Diego: I would feel guilty if something bad happens to you...
Jasmin: I'm going to be okay, you can relax...
Diego: You remember when you said that when you trusted one of her friends and you ended up wasted and throwing up all over the place?
Jasmin: It was my mistake to drink so much!
Diego: Don't let him out something in your drink!
Jasmin: Diego!
Diego: Okay okay, I'll stop! But please-
Jasmin: Yes yes I know! I'll text you what happens, see ya!

She hugs him and walks into the park. From afar, Jasmin sees a tall, tanned man with a whole blouse and sunglasses looking at the view in front of him.
Jasmin: André! Is that you?
André: Aahh Jasmin, nice to finally meet you!
Jasmin: How was your flight?
André: Not too bad, I took a little nap! You look beautiful by the way!
Jasmin: Thank you! You look handsome too! Now that you're here,where would you like to go?
André: I know this cute café we can go to? Are you down?
Jasmin: For sure! Let's go!

They hop in his car and he parks in front of a small café. Inside, it smelled heavenly: fresh pastries and brewed coffee are mixed in the air. They sat away from people to have some alone time. They talk while waiting on their order.
André: So, tell me a bit about yourself!
Jasmin: Well, you probably know that I work in my family company, I love football, it's my childhood sport, uhhmm...I enjoy travelling a heck a lot too! There's nothing much about me actually, just work and football.
André: So your parents own Laurier right?
Jasmin: My father, yes. My mother...sadly passed away 2 years ago in a car accident...
André: Oh...I'm sorry to hear that...
Jasmin: It's okay, don't worry.
André: What makes you want to find love now?
Jasmin: It's been a year since I've been with someone and I think it's time that I find the right person for me. Yesterday was supposed to be my one-year anniversary of marriage...Unfortunately, it went otherwise...I've had bad luck with love but I hope that with you I can find some stability.
André: I see, well I really like your vibe, plus you love football which is perfect! I can take you to all of my games if you want. Are you willing to come to Leipzig with me?
Jasmin: I can do so, just that I'll have to come to Portugal a couple of times to see if everything is alright.
André: Of course, that's not a problem.

Their food arrives as they talk more about each other. They bond almost instantly, just like in the texts, they feel more comfortable talking about anything. André and Jasmin even held hands for a bit; she loved how much of a gentlemen he is towards her.
Jasmin: I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back.

She gets up and goes to the bathroom to call Diego.
Diego: Hello?? Is everything okay??
Jasmin: Yes! He's so sweet!
Diego: Mmhh...you sure?
Jasmin: I am! I think I'm starting to fall in love...
Diego: That's good to hear, you know, I made more research about him and he dated Georgina Rodriguez's best friend! They broke up because he cheated on her! Jas, please be careful, he could do the same thing to you!
Jasmin: He won't, he's really nice! Next time, you'll get the time to talk to him! I gotta go!
Diego: Alright, stay safe, por favor...
Jasmin: I will, hasta luego!

She hangs up and goes back to her table. They keep on talking and she offers him to come over her place. When they arrive, they go to the backyard.
André: How do you like Portugal?
Jasmin: Oh it's beautiful out here! The weather, the people, the food, everything! I love living here.
André: It is amazing here. I also love coming back to enjoy the off-season. Thank goodness the Bundesliga is over right now, we can spend more time together. If you're okay with that of course.
Jasmin: Of course I am. You're charming and so damn handsome...I'd love to see you more often...

His smile is even something to die for. They gaze at the sunset as they end the day saying goodbye at each other and planning to see each other the next day. When André left, she calls Diego and explains him everything that happened.
Jasmin: Diego, I think he's the one.
Diego: Damn, after one meet up? Can you even call that a date?
Jasmin: Why are you hating??
Diego: I'm not! I was thinking he would take you to a nice restaurant or sum!
Jasmin: Maybe it's for next time. We're gonna see each other tomorrow, he'll come over my place.
Diego: You showed him where you live already???
Jasmin: Yeah, why not?
Diego: Don't let him kidnap you okay?
Jasmin: Yes I kno- oh wait someone rang the doorbell! Maybe André forgot something at my place! I'll call you in a bit!

She opens the door and it wasn't André, it was a man she wished she'd never see again.
Jasmin: Jude...
Jude: Jas, can we talk..?
Jasmin: I don't want to talk to you.
Jude: Look, it's been a year since the accident and-
Jasmin: Accident?? You call your affair an accident?! You knew EXACTLY what you were doing! You were messing around with Kianna!
Jude: I sincerely apologize! Did you receive the presents I've sent you?
Jasmin: Yeah and I burned them.
Jude: I miss you...
Jasmin: I hate you...

She tries to close the door on him but he stops it. The other day she burned every single memory of him but it's more like he got summoned by it.
Jude: Let's talk and sort this out. Please baby...
Jasmin: I'm not yours anymore, you have to go.
Jude: I can't stop thinking about you, it was such a terrible mistake to leave you...can we please be friends at least...?

He steps closer to her and she tries her best to avoid eye contact with him.
Jasmin: Jude how many times do I have to tell you that we'll never get back together! It's over!
Jude: Why? Because you have someone else in your life huh?? You have a boyfriend?!

"Yes she does!"

Diego is standing behind Jude at the doorframe. Jasmin is surprised that he's here, she thought she hung up on him but he listened to the whole conversation.
Diego: I'm her boyfriend!

Third chapter done! Diego is protective as hell👀 what do y'all think about this chapter? Let me know and share this book if you can! See y'all in the next chapter


Best friends - Diego LainezWhere stories live. Discover now