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How's life y'all??🙏🏾

Leipzig, Germany

"It's so good to see you baby." André said while hugging Jasmin.
André: I missed you so much!
Jasmin: I missed you too, how you've been?
André: I've been doing well, and you?
Jasmin: Me too, the business trip was good and I need to work on a brand new clothing line.
André: That's nice, but right now, you need to relax. I prepared a date for us like promised.
Jasmin: I'm a little bit jet lagged so we can go tomorrow okay?
André: Sounds good, let's go home.

And with that, the couple drives towards their new home and André helps her unpack her stuff.

"Hey Jasmin, did you made it back safely?" Diego texted. She responded yes and told him that she's with André right now so she'll text him later.

Diego sighs; this is the exact same behaviour she had when she was with Jude. He fears that the same thing is gonna happen but he can't make assumptions because he has never met him face to face.


"Jas are you okay? I was waiting for you for the past 30 minutes." Diego is in a call with Jasmin; they agreed to meet each other at his home to go golfing with his other friends.
Jasmin: Oh I'm sorry, Jude planned something for us and I totally forgot to call you!
Diego: Again? Damn...
Jasmin: I'm very sorry...we'll do it another time! You can go with your friends.
Diego: I know I know but we pushed this many times...
Jasmin: It's hard to make time...you know, I have work and me and Jude are also getting things ready for our wedding.

Diego wants to tell her to call off the wedding so bad but she's been blinded by love. Jasmin won't listen to him and is confident to go on with the wedding.
Diego: It makes sense...
Jasmin: But I promise that I'll be coming tomorrow.
Diego: It's okay if you can't make it, your wedding is more important...take care of that first.
Jasmin: Diego, are you okay?
Diego: Yes I am, I'll just go with the rest of my friends, they're probably wondering where I'm at, I'll talk to you later.

He hangs up and sighs; he would've loved to see her but of course, Jude is her priority and that's normal. Diego had suspicions of Jude cheating on Jasmin but he never had an concrete evidence to show her that he's doing this. He has warned her many times but it became unsuccessful.
Diego: Fucking hell Jas...

End of flashback

Jasmin and André are cuddling on the couch and watching tv together.
Jasmin: Can we order some food?
André: Sure we can, what would you like to eat?
Jasmin: Uuhhmm anything really, how about some pizza?
André: Alright I'll order some pizza for us.

He takes his phone and Uber Eats pizza; when he was done, he wraps his arms around her and kisses her neck multiple times.
Jasmin: Mmhh and I hat is this for baby?
André: Because I love you...
Jasmin: I love you too...
André: What if we do something interesting while we wait for the pizza...
Jasmin: Like what exactly?
André: Something like this...

He finally kisses her and they were quick to feel lust. André slid his hands under her shirt and leave hickeys on her neck which led her breathe sharply.
Jasmin: Oh I'm liking this already...
André: There's more to come...

Best friends - Diego LainezWhere stories live. Discover now