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It's been a hot minute lol

That night, at his birthday party, Diego only had eyes for Jasmin. Knowing that Jude isn't here, he wants her all for himself. Diego is still in love with Jasmin but has taken a step back ever since Jude came into the picture.
Diego: Are you enjoying the party?
Jasmin: I should be asking that to you! It's your birthday!
Diego: Yeah I'm having fun, you have no idea how much I'm grateful for you to come over.
Jasmin: We never missed each other's birthdays, I don't want to break that streak over a stupid routine meeting!

Her smile illuminates his heart; he has fallen deeply in love with Jasmin but those feelings have to be dug deep to not be a homewrecker and ruin their friendship.

Fast forward to the end of the party, Diego hands Jasmin a glass of water and sits down next to her.
Diego: You know, I'm always here for you whenever you need me...
Jasmin: Of course I know that! And I'm here for you too!
Diego: Good, because I care about you...very much...

His heart began to race.
Jasmin: With everything you do for me I can definitely agree that you care...I also care about you and I want you to be happy. Get yourself a girlfriend! I bet it can make you feel better!
Diego: Mmhh...Maybe, I don't know if I want one.
Jasmin: Come on! I know you'd be a great boyfriend!
Diego: Yeah but what about my future girlfriend? Will she be the right girl? Or she'll just be a gold digger?
Jasmin: I'm sure that you can find the perfect girlfriend. You give great relationship advice so I know that it won't be a problem for you!
Diego: One day, one day I'll get a girlfriend.

In other words, he wants her to be his girlfriend.

She smiles back at him once again.
Jasmin: That woman will come to you soon Diego, just patience.
Diego: Yeah, I'll be patient.

He's been waiting so long to have her.

So. Fucking. Long.

Their eyes meet and as he leans in, they kiss.

The butterflies he felt in his stomach when her lips touched his as his hands feels her body.

Unfortunately, that fairytale didn't last long; Jasmin pulled away.
Jasmin: I'm sorry...I'm still with Jude...
Diego: Y-yeah...uhm...sorry...I'll go to sleep then, we had too much to drink. Goodnight.

It was his only way to escape this awkward situation; Diego needed to leave the room. Once he got to his room, he sat down and rethought how he could've played it out better.

If only she was single...

If only he had taken his chance earlier...

That's why Diego thought about in his sleep even if he has a girlfriend sleeping next to him.

Today, Tigres faces Club América, Diego's former team. There's going to be a lot of emotions but he's ready to face the crowd and some of his former teammates. He wakes up first while Christella is still sleeping.

"good morning Diego, whenever you have time, we could discuss your new clothing line. Let me know when you're available."

Diego chuckles, she never wrote to him in such a proper business manner before. He responded that he has some time in an hour and that they could meet up at the team's lobby. Christella wakes up after he steps out of the shower.
Christella: Good morning baby.
Diego: Morning.
Christella: Are you still mad at me?
Diego: You could've shut your mouth about that situation last night.
Christella: I'm sorry babe, but you know how I feel about it...
Diego: It's something private Christella, you didn't need to bring it up! I'm going to have a meeting with Jasmin later on in the lobby so if you don't trust me, you can come.

Best friends - Diego LainezWhere stories live. Discover now