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The commercial went according to plan as Diego and other models had to shoot many parts to create one big commercial. The production went well with a couple moments of laughter when some forgot their lines or if objects were malfunctioning. Overall, the final product turned out to be great and it's waiting to be edited.
Jasmin: Looks pretty good huh? After 10 attempts!
Diego: Hey it's not my fault that the door didn't want to close!
Jasmin: You did a good job though!
Diego: I'm just a natural charmer that's it!

She laughs and invites him for lunch at their cafeteria. While she waits for Diego to get changed, Jasmin thinks about the events of last night and the following morning. She finds it very strange on why he would keep some piece of clothing of his ex girlfriend for no particular reason. Either he misses her a lot or they are still secretly together.
Diego: Okay I'm ready!

Jasmin nods and they head to the elevator to got to the 5th floor since they are in the underground level of the building. The 5th floor cafeteria is the best one in their opinion so they like to go to that on.
Diego: So would you like to tell me how the date went?
Jasmin: At the restaurant, it was really nice to get to know him. But then...
Diego: Then what?? Jas did he hurt you?!
Jasmin: No no! He didn't! When we got to his house he-

The elevator made a big sound and stops in his tracks.
Diego: What the fuck was that...?
Jasmin: I think that was the elevator...Maybe it's jammed a little bit?

She presses on a button that is supposed to open the elevator but it won't nudge.
Jasmin: Pinche ascensor...
Diego: Don't tell me we're stuck in here...
Jasmin: I think so...lemme press the emergency button...

She presses it and thankfully, someone picked up and they called for help.

"We'll be there in a few minutes."

Jasmin and Diego sat on the floor of the elevator and waited to be freed.
Diego: While we wait, do you want to tell me what happened next?
Jasmin: We were about to sleep and I asked him if he could let me borrow a shirt for me to sleep in. I thought he'd give me one of his shirts but it turned out to be a shirt from his ex...
Diego: Red flag, drop him.
Jasmin: Then in the morning he whispered his ex's name when he was sleeping...
Diego: Jas he's not the right one then...
Jasmin: What if I just question him about it?
Diego: You did that with Jude and what happened after that? Trust me, don't make that mistake again...

Jasmin laid her head on his shoulder.
Jasmin: Why is love so damn difficult?
Diego: Not everything is given to us easily...I think it's best that you don't get a relationship with André. It's for your own good Jas, it's like Jude...
Jasmin: I'm gonna think about it...But he seemed so charming...
Diego: Just like who...? Exactly, Jude. So please, take a step back...
Jasmin: How do you hold your relationship with Christella...?
Diego: Oh it's quite hard, especially because I keep on seeing you, she becomes really jealous.
Jasmin: I can see that you really love her, that you take good care of her.
Diego: Of course, that's my job as a boyfriend to do so; to treat a woman right.

He looks at her as they make eye contact.
Diego: Just like you should also be treated right...
Jasmin: Love is so stupid...

Diego slowly wrapped his arm around her; it didn't feel weird to the two of them since they've been friends since childhood. Jasmin can always trust Diego just like Diego can trust Jasmin.
Diego: You'll find the right one...It's just a matter of time...

"The right one"

Diego thought he was the right one for her but she considers him as a great friend. That night at his birthday party, when they kissed, he thought that he would finally get her, that she would finally feel truly happy with a man.

Best friends - Diego LainezWhere stories live. Discover now