~Candy shop~

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Fresh new cover cuz I love the black and white covers🤭


Mexico City, Mexico

"Ah, Jasmin! There you are!" Said her father, Ricardo welcoming her from the airport.
Jasmin: How are you?
Ricardo: I'm doing well and you? I hope the flight wasn't too long!
Jasmin: It went well and I'm good too. When is our first meeting?
Ricardo: Don't worry about that Jas, you just arrived! Take some time to relax!
Jasmin: Fine, do you have the key to the home?
Ricardo: I do, let's go shall we?

Father and daughter get inside the car as their chauffeur drives them to their home. She puts her luggage down and her father is talking on the phone.
Ricardo: Perfect, thank you.
Jasmin: Who are you talking to?
Ricardo: I just made a reservation for dinner tonight, there's going to be a guest joining us as well.
Jasmin: Oh yeah? Who is it?
Ricardo: You'll see at dinner time.
Jasmin: Alright then.

She spends some time checking how the company is doing and it's clear that the sales are doing well but not as excellent as before. It's the whole purpose of the trip; to find solutions to raise their sales again. Jasmin worked on a couple of ideas to present to her dad in hopes that he'd approve those ideas.
Ricardo: How about you take a stroll around the city?
Jasmin: It's been a while since I haven't come here, it'll be nice to take a walk.
Ricardo: Don't forget to bring me some snacks!
Jasmin: Of course! I'll be right back!

She grabs her purse and she's off into the streets of Mexico City. Jasmin feels like a tourist because a lot of things have changed ever since she left. A couple of her favourite shops are still out there so she decides to go inside one of them. Jasmin remembers this place as if it was yesterday; she used to come to this shop when she was younger to buy candy after school.


"Diego, we shouldn't be sneaking out!" Jasmin said; they are face to face with the door of the shop. They snuck out of Diego's home to buy some candy.
Diego: My parents said we could buy anything we want with the money they gave us right?
Jasmin: They said anything but sweets!  And couldn't we wait for tomorrow to come here?
Diego: Come ooonnnn! It's just one bag of sweets!
Jasmin: Diego, the owner knows us, we're two 12-year-olds at 9 pm trying to buy candy!
Diego: He's cool, he won't say anything.
Jasmin: Your parents are probably looking for us right now, I don't want to get in trouble!
Diego: Relax Jas, we'll be quick.

Jasmin is completely paranoid but Diego reassures her that nothing will happen to them. They enter the shop together and the owner greets them.
Owner: Diego! Jasmin! How are you?
Diego: We're doing well, and how about you?
Owner: I'm doing good as well. It's late at night, what are you two doing alone?
Diego: We just wanted to buy candy real quick, my parents let us go since my house isn't too far.
Owner: I'm guessing you want the same candies?
Diego: Yes please.

The owner gives them their candies and they pay for it. They walk out of the store with big smiles on their face as they are walking home.
Diego: I told you it would go well!
Jasmin: Yeah but still.
Diego: Don't worry about it, they won't notic-

Diego's father is at the door with his arms crossed.
Alberto: Diego and Jasmin, who gave you permission to leave the house?!
Jasmin: No one...
Alberto: And you two went to buy candy?! Hand it over.

Best friends - Diego LainezWhere stories live. Discover now