~Moving away~

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I'm actually updating here????

Diego went back home to his girlfriend who welcomes him with open arms.
Christella: Diego my love! How did the photoshoot go?
Diego: It went well. Just took longer because the elevator got stuck.
Christella: Damn, must have been very boring to be stuck alone.
Diego: I was with Jasmin.

Christella stays quiet for a bit.
Christella: Of course it's Jasmin...
Diego: Babe-
Christella: She definitely did that shit on purpose!
Diego: No! It's just the elevator that stopped working that's it!
Christella: What happened inside that elevator??

Diego became quiet; if he tells her about the kiss, she'll chop his and her head off.
Diego: We just spend the time watching YouTube and talking about some old anecdotes.
Christella: That's it?! That's truly it?!
Diego: Babe I don't love Jasmin! How many times do I have to tell you this?? We're friends!
Christella: I feel like you're not telling me everything...
Diego: Fine! Do you want to know?! Jasmin kissed me! There!
Christella: She WHAT?!

And that's what set her off; she suspected Jasmin of sneaking around with her boyfriend and now the kiss confirms it. Christella grabs her jacket and walks towards the door.
Diego: Where are you going?!
Christella: To give her a piece of my mind!
Diego: No! Look, I know it upsets you but it meant nothing to us! We were thinking about our old memories that we got carried away...
Christella: So it's not the first time y'all kissed?!
Diego: The other time was before I met you.
Christella: I'll put her in her place!
Diego: If you try to find someone to blame it's me!! I told her about the time I wanted to take her out for prom because I liked her!

She glares at Diego.
Christella: Great, ABSOLUTELY great!! Now you know why I don't want you near her because of this!
Diego: Don't hurt her!
Christella: You're seriously defending her?! Next step is that you two will end up fucking!! Out of my way!

She shoves Diego and takes the car to drive toward Jasmin's home. Christella loudly knocked on the door and as soon as Jasmin opened the door, Christella pushes her down.
Jasmin: What the fuck?!
Christella: You truly have no shame don't you?!
Jasmin: Diego told you about the kiss??
Christella: Yes he did! Is it not obvious that he's a taken man?! You think you can get every man in the palm of your hands huh?!
Jasmin: I'm sorry! I don't even know why I did it but it won't happen again! It won't!
Christella: It doesn't matter anyways. Diego and I will be moving away.

Jasmin gets back up in shock.
Jasmin: What?? To where??
Christella: None of your damn business but it'll be away from your hoe ass!
Jasmin: Get the fuck out of my house!
Christella: I hope that I made this shit clear to never come near Diego! I don't care that you've been his longtime best friend or whatever, he's not yours! 

Christella leaves her home by slamming her door. Jasmin grabbed her phone and texted Diego.


You and Christella are moving away?!

I was about to tell you that.

Where are you two moving away to?

I don't know, we might go back to Seville for a bit. Braga terminated my contract.

WHAT?! But you've been doing well!

For them it's not enough.

Best friends - Diego LainezWhere stories live. Discover now