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The title just reminds me of the song (also thank you @thristyhoe29 😝)

After a week, Jasmin is fully moved into André's home in Leipzig and is working from home for the company. She's been working on Diego's new clothing line and is in constant contact with him to talk about business.
Diego: So it's almost done?
Jasmin: Yes! All the logistics are done and all that's left is to make the clothes and the photoshoot.
Diego: Perfect, and when do you think it's gonna be done?
Jasmin: In about a week maybe? I'll let you know. We'll do a photoshoot in Monterrey.
Diego: Sounds good.
Jasmin: How are you and Christella?

Diego sighs.
Diego: Good but recently we got into an argument...
Jasmin: Oh really? What happened?


"Come on amor! I'm sorry it's not that deep!" Diego said to a pissed off Christella.
Christella: Oh yeah?! You stay up very late at night talking to Jasmin instead of coming to bed with me! Do you even love me?!
Diego: Of course I do! I do!
Christella: We'll I don't fucking see that shit! You're so obsessed with her!
Diego: She's my best friend! Plus we were talking about the clothing line! You know about this! It's not my fault that the time zone is different!
Christella: I don't give a fuck! Since day one you've been all over her!
Diego: We've been childhood friends and other than kissing her, we never been in a romantic relationship! I'm with you!

Christella rolls his eyes.
Christella: I swear if I see her lay a hand on you, I'll rip her head off.
Diego: You touch her, and we're done.
Christella: See? Look how you're protecting her!
Diego: You don't know what she's been through! If you knew you'd understand why i care so much about her! If you don't like that shit, you can pack your shit and leave...

There was a big silence, Christella scoffed and ignored him for many days; she even left the home because he kept talking to Jasmin.

End of flashback

"And that's what happened..."
Jasmin: Diego...
Diego: I wasn't gonna let her disrespect you like that...
Jasmin: You can't put your relationship in jeopardy for me...
Diego: Like I said, I won't let her talk shit about you...
Jasmin: What happened now?
Diego: She's still pissed off...
Jasmin: You have to reconcile with her-
Diego: No, I prefer being alone for now...
Jasmin: I'm so sorry this happened to you..
Diego: It's okay, don't worry Jas, I'm okay. I'm just gonna focus on football and getting this clothing line done for the company.
Jasmin: Alright then, if you feel okay with that.
Diego: I'll be okay. I gotta go now, I have to go on the team bus for the next game.
Jasmin: Alright, stay safe okay?
Diego: I will, see you soon.

She hangs up the phone and sighs.

"Diego...you're truly crazy..." she's said to herself with a short laugh.

One week later

"You told me you would come with me!" Jasmin exclaimed; André backed out on coming to Monterrey with her.
André: I'm so sorry baby, I really tried to get a day off but the team refused!
Jasmin: Fine...I'll just go by myself then. I won't be long, it's just a couple of days.
André: I feel bad for not coming with you...
Jasmin: It's okay, focus on your team, they need you.
André: Let me drive you to the airport at least.
Jasmin: Okay, let me get my stuff in the car first.

Best friends - Diego LainezWhere stories live. Discover now