What The Hell

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Adriana's POV

 I can't believe Daniel would do that to me i'm not surprised Johnny would do something like that though. I can remember every word he said before Nathan came and saved me.


I just got off the phone with Nathan when i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

" Why you leaving babe?" i heard Daniel ask.

" Because your dick of a friend is trying to hook up with me." i said pissed off.

" Awww come on babe let's go somewhere more quiet so you can tell me what happened" he said walking me over to a car. He picked up me and sat me on the roof.

" Now what happened?" he asked.

" Well Johnny kissed me and was basically trying to fuck me and you kept looking over the whole time and didn't stop him. I thought i was your girl." i said.

" Babe you don't understand that was whole plan was for me to get you and Johnny together." he said smiling.

" What?! No i hate Johnny." i said.

" Well i think you'll hate him even more now and me." he said.

" What?" i asked. Then he pushed me on the roof of the car and grabbed my wrist. I saw Johnny walk around the car. I knew what was going to happen and i just screamed and screamed for someone to hear me and Nathan did. Nathan Sykes the person i love but hate saved me.

End of Flashback

I woke and looked at the time. 2:14am!?!?! I need to get home so Brain didn't know i was out and about. I looked and saw Nathan next to me he was wide awake.

" Adriana what's wrong?" he asked sitting up.

" Can you please drive me to Brians house like now before he kills me." i said putting my shows on.

" Adriana calm down just stay the night." he said.

" I can't i told Brian i was going out with a few friends if him or any of my other brothers find out i was with Johnny and Daniel and at drag racing they will literally murder me. Please don't tell anyone about tonight!" I begged. He walked over tome and pulled me into his embrace.

" Babygirl i promise i will not tell anyone. You are fine and I'm so sorry for what happened tonight. Now come on let's get you back." he said walking out the door. The car ride was silence and he dropped me off.

" Adriana. I'm sorry for everything. I don't know what is going to happen between us but i just wanted to say i am sorry." he said.

 " I forgive you but i don't know if we are going to ever have the same relationship that we did before. I thought you loved me but then you got Tony pregnant and then everything i thought changed. I guess i was just in stupid, young love. Nathan thank you so much for saving me i don't know what i would have done. Thank you so much." i said getting out of car. I started to walk to the door when i heard my name.

" Adriana, you are so very welcome when you called i answered because i needed to hear your voice. We don't have to have a boyfriend girlfriend relationship when can just be friends. Please just come back home i can't stand not seeing you everyday." he said looking at me with tears in his eyes.

" Nathan i can't come back not yet. I can't be there with you and Tony it just doesn't seem right i don't want to get between you too and your baby. I can't let that happen i'm sorry." i said with tears in my eyes but i held them back.He pulled me into a hug and just rocked me back and forth.

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