Perfect Two

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Adriana's POV

I was getting ready for Graduation. I put on my white dress and curled my hair then put on my red Graduation gown with black heels. I have never been so excited in my whole life. I finished putting on my make up and walked down stairs to see Vanessa in her gown too.

" Are you excited!" she asked.

" Yes. I just can't believe how fast these last few years went. To think we won't see our friends everyday." i said. Tom and everyone else except Nathan walked into the living room dressed nicely.

" You girls look so grown up." said Louis.

" Thanks well we better get going. I'll see you guys there." i said smiling. Vanessa and I had to be there early because we needed to get ready. We got in the car and started to drive there. When we pulled up to the school we got out and walked up to our friends and started talking about all our good memories.

" I'm going to miss all you. I just can't believe this is end of the year." i said crying.

We all hugged then i got asked to have a speech ready for our class. I didn't write anythign down i was just going to wing it. When graduation started it went from height which means i was one of the first because unlike my brothers i am pretty short. When everyone was done getting there awards a few other kids from my class and I got ready to say our speech. It was mine turn so i went up to the stand and was hoping for the best.

" Classof 2013, what can i say it been a great years with all these people. Some of us know each other since Kindergarden or even before that. We all have a best friends but everyone is at least friends in this class. We've had our laughs and some of the best memories. What can i say i remember walking into highschool freshman year saying how i can't wait to get out of school and the next 4 yers are going to go so slow! But the go by in the blink of an eye. I can't believe how much we all matured and how close we all became. We are all family and for some of us this is just unreal right now. This may seem like it is the end of our book but its is only the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one." i said i stepped down and everyone was clapping. We all threw our caps in the air and then i found my brothers and i ran up and hugged them.

" I can't believe how fast these years went. I love you so much angel." said Tom. I smilied at him and then he kissed my head i looked next to me and a few feet down the field i saw Nathan in a Suit and Tie. Tom looked at me then smiled and i walked over to him. 

" Hi." i said walking up to him holding my cap in my hands.

" Hi Adri, i liked your speech." he said. I stared at him wide eyed.

" What you were here for it?" i asked.

" Yep i was here to see you get your diploma and everything." he said smiling

" Well what about Tony's birth?" i asked.

" The baby isn't mine." he said.

" WHAT?" i said kinda happy.

" Yep. She told me right before she went into labor. She said it was just for publicity and that she was sorry. I left as soon as i found out and ran here so i could see you graduate." he said smiling.

" Nathan." i said giving him a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist i put my face in his next. I pulled away but he still had his arms around my waist.

" You know how you said this is the beginning of a new chapter and the end of an old one." he said. I nodded my head then he connect his forehead to mine.

" I want to be in your new chapter and make it special." he said.

" Adriana, will you be my girlfriend." he said pulling out a ring. It was beautiful!

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