Wind It Up

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Nathan's POV

 I woke up from the sound of someone in the room. I sat up and looked around and saw Adriana getting her purse and fixing her hair. She was wearing a pair of black leggings with one of Toms hoodies and a pair of grey UGG boots. She had her hair in a messy bun with a black headband. She looked so pretty! She looked at me and gave me a weak smile.

 " Goodmorning." she said smiling.

" Good morning what are you doing up?" i asked getting out of bed. I looked next to me to see Tony wasn't there i guess she left already.

" Oh um Vanessa and I are going to get our nails and hair done for Prom tonight." she said.

" Oh... when is Danny picking you up?" i asked.

" Oh yeah well we aren't going together anymore." she said sitting on the bed. YES! I didn't like that Danny kid but i did feel bad for the poor girl.

" Oh i'm sorry why?" i said sitting next to her.

" Well it turns out he has to go do a college interview and of course it is today." she said.

" Oh i'm sorry so are you going with anyone?" i asked.

" Yeah.. I'm going with my friend Cory but just as friends he is good friends with Jake the kid Vanessa is going with. We are all just going as friends." she said smiling.

" Oh are you wearing that white dress Louis got you?" i asked.

" Oh no I got another dress because Louis said i had to wait to wear the dress he bought me for something else but he won't tell me." she said looking confused and we both laughed.

" Well that's good. I better let you go. See you when you get back." i said to her. She got up and waved bye to me and left. Damn was she so beautiful. I got up and walked into the living room where everyone was.

" Hey guys." i said sitting down.

" Hey. How was Tony?" asked Max.

" She was alright i guess she left earlier and no we didn't have sex." i said sitting down. They nodded their heads and we all watched TV.

* 5 Hours Later ( Still Nathan's POV)*

 We were all sitting on the couch just bullshitting when Adriana and Vanessa walked in. Vanessa had her hair pulled back in a side bun with a few strands falling out. She looked really nice. Adriana has her hair curled and pulled to one side. She looked absolutely beautiful!

" Hi guys! Where are going to get ready the boys should be here in about an hour an half." said Vanessa we all nodded our heads. Eleanor, Dani, Perrie, Nareesha, Michelle and Kelsey were all here too they wanted to see Vanessa and Adri with there dates.

The boys should be here any minute it's 6:30 and the dance is 7:15-12:00 i think. We heard a knock on the door and Max got up and answered it. In walked in a tall about 6'0 ft, slimy blonde with his hair flipped to a side kinda like Justin Bieber only a little bit messier but it worked for him. The other boy was about 5'9 and had black hair like Tom. They both looked like really nice kids they had there corsages in a box they looked really good.

" Hi i'm Cory." said the blonde one shaking everyones hand.

" Hi i'm Jake." said the black hair boy shaking everyone hand too. We all introduced ourselves and they are very polite.

" I'll go get the girls." said Eleanor while walking into the girls room. She came back in with the girls trailing behind. They looked amazing and so grown up. Vanessa was wearing a light blue dress with beaded part around her nec. Adriana had on a dark blue long dress with a patteren going up a one strap. ( Dress in external link Adriana's on the left Vanessa on the right.) We all stood up and watched them walk to there dates. Adriana had a big smile on her face that i haven't seen in a while. We all took pictures while the boys put the corsages on the girls wrist and the girls put the boutonnieres on the boys tux. They stood by the fireplace and took pictures. Adriana walked up to Tom and gave him a hug.

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