Never Told You.

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Adriana's POV

It's been 4 months since i last talked to Nathan and that was when i saw the picture with him and Tony. He hasn't called me or text me since but Tom has. I have about a month left of school and then i graduate. Today is my 18th birthday and next week in Vanessa's so we would have are birthday parties together. I have a concert tonight and i'm really excited.I walked out of bed and went to the shower. I threw on a white and black summer dress. I didn't go to school today because i had to practice for the concert.

" Hey Girlllyyy Happpyy Birthday!" said Vanessa jumping on me. I laughed and hugged her.

" Thanks we have to leave soon to go to the concert." i said to her. She ran up stairs and got changed. When she came down she grabbed her keys and we drove to the venue. We get there and One Direction is there.

" Happy Birthday Adri!!" said Louis picking me up from behind me and spinning me around.

" Lou put me down and thanks!" i said giving him and the rest of the boys hugs. Tom and the others couldn't come because they had concert and i understood so i wasn't upset. I practice for the conert then we went out for dinner. We pulled up to the restaurant and everyone ordered food expect for me because i wsn't hungry. I haven't been eating a lot lately. Then i got a call from Tom so i went outside.

A- Hello

T- Happy Birthday Angel

A- awee thanks so much tom

T- no problem angel the boys say happy birthday too they are busy right now but i took a break to talk to you.

A- thanks tom i love you

T- i love you too i really wish i could be there but we are flying in tomorrow .

A- That's amazing i can't wait to see you! Oh i got to go bye tom i love you

T- I love you too bye

 I went inside and sat down then we got our food and let for the concert. My phone went off and i saw that Nathan tweeted

@NathanTheWanted: What's going on twitter world?! I'm gonna do and #asknathan because i am so bored right now haha

I read then message and felt the tears form in my eyes but i didn't let them fall.

" Hey Adriana... Are you okay?" asked Louis. I shook my head and he came over and gave me a hug.

" I don't know what i did to deserve this i mean i love him and he is just playing with my heart." i said into his chest.

" It's okay sweetie, it's okay...." he said rubbing my back. He finally released me and we walked into the venue. It was time for the show and Vanessa and I got into our outfits ( Adriana's on the side ------->).

We ran out on stage and sang a few songs

" Okay guys i have on last song for you it's a new song and i hope you guys like it a lot!" i said into the microphone.

I miss those blue eyes

How you kissed me at night

I miss the way we sleep

Like there's no sunrise

Like the taste of your smile

I miss the way we breathe

But I never told you

What I should have said

No I never told you

Stupid, Young Love ( A Nathan Sykes Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now