Ever Ever After

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Nathan's POV

We were sitting in the waiting room waiting to hear the news about Tom and Kelsey baby. Adriana was on the ede of her seat. She has been waiting forever to see if it was going to be a boy or a girl. Tom walked out and came over to us.

" You can come see." he said not saying if the baby was a boy or a girl. We all walked in the room to see Kelsey holding a little baby in her arms.

" It's a boy." said Tom smiling. Adriana walked over to Kelsey and smilied down at the baby.

" What did you name?" she asked.

" We were thinking Mark." said Tom.

" I love that name." she said smiling.

" Do you want to hold him?" asked Tom. She nodded her head and gently took him from Kelsey.

" Hi Mark.. I'm your Aunt Adriana" he said smiling down at him. He wrapped his little hand around her finger.

" We were thinking... Adriana and Nathan we would like you two to be the Godparents." said Kelsey.

" I would love too." i said. Adriana was smiling and nodded her head she gave mark back to Kelsey and we congradulated them one last time then left.

" I am going to spoil rotten that kid." said Adriana getting in the car. I laughed and we drove home. When we got home we had to go to sleep because we had to get up in the morning to go to a concert. 

****** At The Concert *******

We were standing in the auidence waiting for Adriana and Vanessa to come out. Tom and Kelsey were not here because they were with the baby.

" Hi Everyone!" yelled Vanessa coming on stage.

" Hi guys are you ready for an amazing show?" she asked.

" Well before we get started we are going to congradulate Tom Parker and his girlfriend Kelsey that could not make it tonight because they are with there new born baby Mark."  Adriana said.

" Alright well let's get this show on the roll!" she yelled. They sang a few song then Adriana came out and was going to sing a new song.

" Well guys it's that time of the night but before we go i would like to sing one last song that was recently written it's called Ever Ever After." she said

Storybook endings, fairy tales coming true

Deep down inside we want to believe they still do

In our secretest heart, it's our favourite part of the story

Let's just admit we all want to make it too

Ever ever after

If we just don't get it our own way

Ever ever after

It may only be a wish away

Start a new fashion, wear your heart on your sleeve

Sometimes you reach what's real just by making believe

Unafraid, unashamed

There is joy to be claimed in this world

You even might wind up being glad to be you

Ever ever after

Though the world will tell you it's not smart

Ever ever after

Stupid, Young Love ( A Nathan Sykes Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now