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Adriana's POV

Why is it whenever it seemes like something good happens anything gets worse. I just made up with my brother and now i just kissed Harry but liking Nathan. I ran to my room and just grabbed my ipod and plugged it into my ihome. Good thing the room was pretty big enough for me to dance in. I danced whenever i need to relax and just let my emotions out. I dance to Run the World ( Girls)  by Beyonce. 

" You okay?" i heard someone say behind me. I turned around and saw Vanessa.

" Umm yeah... i'm fine." i said turning around to stop the music.

" You're lying you never dance to this song alone there is something wrong come on." she said sitting down. I sat down next to her and told her how i liked Nathan but i kissed Harry and she looked really shocked.

" Oh well maybe you should tell Nathan that the kiss met nothing. Did it mean anything." she said leaning closer to me. I nodded my head.

" No not at all i didn't feel anything when i kissed Harry but when i kissed Nathan sparks flew." I said smiling.

" Well then you should tell Nathan how you feel. Even though he is with the bitch Chloe you should still tell him how you feel." she said smiling. I smiled back at her and nodded my head.

" Come on we are going to go dance at the studio just you and me like the old times when we didn't tell anyone." she said smiling. I nodded my head then packed my bag with dance cloths and after cloths. We head to the studio were the boys record but we went to the other side where the dance studio was. We walked up there and Vanessa called one of our friends who use to dance with use Darcey. We always hungout with Darcey when we were younger but then she moved. We were all in a trio together.

" Hey Darcey." i said running up to her and giving her a hug.

" Hey i've missed you." she said smiling. I nodded my head then we got to dancing.

" So what do we want to dance to." said Vanessa smiling.

' How about poker face." said Darcey. We nodded our head then started to dance.

When we finished we heard clapping behind us and everyone was standing there.

" I didn't know you could dance that well." said Nathan.

" Yeah well that's what like 10 years old dance does for you." i said smiling. I walked past them and went outside to wait for whoever is taking me home. Nathan came out with Tom and Louis they looked at me.

" What?" i said laughing a little.

" Nothing ready to go?" asked Tom. I nodded my head i was so tired. We walked over to Tom's car and some how 4 people in the car turned into 8 people. Tom was driving; Nathan was in passenger seat; Louis,Liam,Jay,Vanessa,Harry (who must have left before Vanessa and I got to the studio) and I all sat in the back. I sat on Louis's lap and Vanessa sat on Harry's lap. When we got back to the room i went to the couch and layed down. Nathan came and sat down next to me.

" Hi." i said with my arms over my eyes because i had a headach.

" Hi. You okay?" he asked putting his hand on my knee.

" No. I have a headach." i said trying to hold back the pain in my head.

" Come on." he said standing up and reaching his hand out.

" Where are we going?" i asked moving my arm so i could look at him.

" To our room. I want to talk to you." he said still holding his hand out. I accepted and grabbed his hand. He helped me up and walked me to our room. I layed down on the bed while he got me some asprin. He gave me them and layed down next to me. He pulled me close to him and i snuggled into his chest.

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