You Need To Know

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Adriana's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. I must have had a little to much to drink last night. I looked around and saw i wasn't in my room. I looked next to me and saw a shirtless Nathan...... no fuck no.

" Oh my god...." i said to myself after i realized i didn't have a shirt on.

" Hey babe" said Nathan turning to his side to face me.

" Nathan i need to go. I can't believe i had sex with you and you are having a child. I am soo Sorry." i said throwing my cloths on and walking out the door.

" Adriana. wait." he said following behind me.

" Hi Adriana. What are you doing here?" asked Jay who was sitting in the living room with everyone else.

" ummm...." i didn't know what to say.

" She was a little bit tipsy last night and i didn't think she would be able to make it home so i told her to stay here for the night." said Nathan.

" Yeah i don't even remember anything really just that i have a pounding heahache right now." i said smiling a little. Louis looked at me with a look that he knew something else was up.

" Well sit down angel. Hang out for a little." said Tom. I nodded my head and sat down next to Louis and Nathan sat on the other side of me. Tom walked and got me 2 advils and a glass of water. I heard a knock on the door and walked in Tony. You could see her little baby bump. Nathan stood up and walked over to her they hugged and she kissed him. They walked into Nathans bedroom and shut the door.

" So Adriana let's go we are hanging out today." said Louis standing up and putting his shoes on.

" Okay just drive me home so i can change please." i said he nodded his head and we walked to his car. We pulled up to the house and we walked in. No one is home so i should take quick. I ran and grabbed a t-shirt with a pair of jean shorts and flip flops then got back in the car.

" Okay i don't know how i want to put this so i am just going to be blunt about it. okay?" asked Louis. I nodded my head not sure what he is going to say.

" You Nathan had sex last night didn't you." he said. How did he know?!

" What. how did you know?" i asked in shock.

" I mean okay i heard you guys first come in when you shut the door and then for some reason you guys then started laughing. I just thought you just came because you were too drunk to go home then i heard you two in your lovely make out session. When you walked out this morning looking pissed and Nathan was half naked i put two and two together and figured you guys did it." he said.

" I just can't believe i had sex with someone who is pregnant with someone else kid. I mean i don't regret it but i do." i said in a sad tone.

" Hey. Everyone makes mistakes just keep your head up." he said putting his hand on my thigh. We just drove around because Louis knew it helped me relax then we drove to a little cafe. We sat down and ordered a few drinks.

" Adriana are you okay? You just don't seem yourself." asked Louis. It's just i'm not okay i miss Nathan it pains me to see him and think he is pregnant with Tony child because i wish it was mine.

" umm.... yeahh.." i said.

" Okay i just don't want to see you sad." he said. I nodded my head and i just need to tell someone how i feel to get it off my chest and Louis is the person i trust so i need to tell him.

" Louis, you need to know that i'm not okay. I miss Nathan it literally break my heart to see him with Tony and know she is pregnant with his baby. When i had sex with him i didn't know what i was doing i was drunk and stupid. I just miss him and when i see him it hurts me that is why i can't be around him anymore." i said with tears in my eyes.

" Sweetie," he said coming over and sitting next to me. " I know you love him and you know i think he loves you back. He just know that he needs to be there for his kid and he knows that is whyy you can't be near him." he said pulling me into a side hug. I smilied at him then Louis payed the tab and we left.

" Louis will you please drive me home?" i asked. He nodded his head then he took me to Brians.

" Thank you, Louis. For everything." i said giving him a hug. I walked inside and started thinking about my life and what it would be like if i had Nathan and if i didn't then started doing my homework for school.

Nathan's POV

I didn't know what we I was thinking it was a drunken mistake for her but for me it was not a mistake. I love Adriana and nothing will ever change that. Tony is almost 5 months pregnant which mean the baby is coming soon. I still want to get a DNA test because i still don't think that baby is mine. When Tony came over i pulled her into my room so we can talk about it.

" Tony. When that baby is born we are getting a DNA test on it because i still believe that baby is not mine." i said. She rolled her eyes and was in shock.

" Nathan the baby is yours. You just don't want to believe it because of that Adriana bitch." she said.

" First of all she is not a bitch and second of all i do believe that baby is not mine because i wouldn't deny if it was mine. If you are lying to me you better fess up right now because you'll look like the biggest bitch in the world if we find out you're lying." i said.She sighed then rolled her eyes.

" We'll just see when the baby is born then." she said. We walked out of the room to the living room. Adriana and Louis were gone which i figured because Adriana doesn't want to be near me and probably Tony right now. I just know these next 4 months are going to be hell without Adriana.

Sorry i haven't updated in a while. Sorry this chapter is pretty bad too it is a filler chapter. Next chapter will be better! I have it all planned out!

-Love ya Kayla :)

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