Wait For You

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Nathan's POV

What did she mean she could die. Right about when I was about to fall a sleep a nurse came in.

" Whose is here for Adriana Parker." when she said the name Tom and I shot up out of our seats. Everyone else was sleeping.

" We are and they're too." said Tom walking up to her.

" Okay well take a seat and i will tell you what is going on with her." she said sitting down.

" Well you see Adriana has Intussusception." she said.

" What is that?" i asked.

" Intussusception is the sliding of one part of the intestine into another.It is caused by part of the intestine being pulled inward into itself. This can block the passage of food through the intestine. If the blood supply is cut off, the segment of intestine pulled inside can die." she said.

" So what it going to happen to her." asked Tom worried.

" The child will first be stabilized. A tube will be passed into the stomach through the nose. An IV line will be placed in the arm, and fluids will be given to prevent dehydration. In Adriana's case the treatments are unsuccessful, the child will need surgery. The bowel tissue can usually be saved, but any dead tissue will be removed." she said.

" So is she going to be okay?" Tom asked.

" So here is the bad news.." she started saying. Oh my god i really hope i don't hear what i think i am going to hear.

" You see she has a hole it is a serious complication due to risk of infection. If not treated, intussusception is almost always fatal for infants and young children. She didn't get treated fast enough." she said before i cut her off.

" So you're saying she's gonna die." i said with tears in my eyes.

" Well she has a chance of making it we are tryign our best but i can't promise you anything. She is unconscious we are keeping her like it so it is easier to preform on her. You can go see her in a little." she said getting up and walking away.

" oh my god..." Tom said starting to cry.

" Guys what's wrong?" asked Kelsey waking up same with everyone else. I was crying i couldn't imagine my life with out.

" Ummm... oh god.." said Tom crying. Kelsey was rubbing his back while he was trying to pull himself together so he can tell them what's wrong.

" Well Adriana intestines blocking her blood flowing. Well they said you could do surgery but it might be too late and she could possibly die..." he said starting to cry. Everyone was looking down Vanessa stood up and walked up to Tom. She grabbed his hand and stood him up and gave him the biggest hug ever.

" We can make through it together she is a fighter. As she would say miracles happen everyday we just have to pray that she is alright." she said crying into him. He was bawling his eyes i can't imagine what would happen to him. We all sat down and waited for the doctor to come back and let us know when we can see her. I grabbed a piece of paper out of my jacket pocket and it had lyrics on it lyrics that i wrote about Adri a while ago.

20 minutes later the nurse came in and told us we could go see her. Tom looked in the window and he turned around and started crying into Kelsey shoulder.

" You can go in and see her the I'll wait out here." said the nurse. Tom took a deep breath and walked in. I walked in behind then everyone else was behind. Adriana was lying in a bed white as a ghost. She had IVs in her arms and a breathing tube in her nose. I couldn't take it anymore I walked out of the room and into the hallway. I started bawling i couldn't believe if she is dying i... i wouldn't know what to do. I sat down and put my face in my hands and started to cry.

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