Behind These Hazel Eyes

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Nathan's POV

It was really heard to leave Adriana after telling her i loved her. It was really hard to fall asleep with her not in my arms. We pulled up to the venue and we got in our hotel.

" Hey Nathan." i heard someone say behind me i turned around and saw my old friend Taylor.

" Hey Taylor." i said giving her a hug. I haven't seen Taylor in a really long time and it was good to see her.

" What are you doing today?" she asked releasing me from the hug.

" Nothing just probably going to look around." i said.

" I can show you around and maybe we can catch up on things." she said smiling.I nodded my head then we left to go siteseeing. We walked around and i told her everything that is going on even with Chloe and Adriana

" Wow. I'm sorry Nathan it must be really hard." she said rubbing my back when we sat down.

" I just don't know what to do. I mean i love Adriana with all my heart but I know that Chloe will hurt Adriana. If i break up with Chloe for Adriana, Chole is going to go hurt Adriana and just ruin her life. I just don't know what to do." i said putting my head in my hands.

" Listen if i were you i would do what is the best for everyone." she said smiling at me. I gave her a hug and then we walked away. We walked to the store to just look around.

" Come on." she said grabbing my and as we walked to the store. All i was thinking about was Adriana and.what was the best for her. I told Taylor goodbye and gave her a hug. I walked back to the tour bus to find everyone getting ready to leave. I ran to the back to get changed then we left to go to the gig.

* After Gig*

We went on the bus,i laid down and we turned on the news. I saw what they said about Taylor and I, i couldn't believe it. Everything is just all over the place because whenever your famous and out with someone and everyone assumes your dating. The boys knew that Taylor was a very close friend and they know i wouldn't date her because we are just friends. I was so exhausted that i just closed my eyes and went to sleep. Hopefully Adriana will understand but who knows.

* Next Day*

I woke up to the sound of the TV. I walked in and saw Tom sitting on the couch with the newspaper in his hands. I sat across from him and he slid the paper across the table so i could read the article.

Country Singers Eric and Stephen from Love and Theft got their party on last night with Adriana Parker and Vanessa Payne. The two girls have been spotted with the boys at the party dancing all night especially Adriana. She was caught locking lips with Tyler Smith (an old friend). Is this a real relationship or is it just an act?

I read the article holding back my tears it showed a picture of them sitting on a car head kissing. It felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces.

" It had to be him out of everyone him." Tom said staring at the tabel. I looked at him confused.

" Why who is he?" i asked confused.

He sighed and sat straight up. " About 1 1/2 ago Adriana and Tyler were best friends. He was our neighbor and he is 2 years old than her. Adriana was head over heels for him but he wasn't or isn't a good kid. He sells drugs, smokes, and stuff like that. I didn't want him near her and she knew that. She didn't listen and she dated him for about 4 months then eventually he cheated on her. He broke her heart and he paid for it. I beat his ass after school and said if he comes any where near my sister again it would be worse. He moved after that thank god i thought i would never see his face again but i guess not. I really wish she isn't going to go out with him again she desevers so much better." he said standing up and walking back to get changed.

" I need to break up with Chloe and ask Adriana out." i said to myself. I needed to do this fast i want to be with the girl of my dreams.

Adriana's POV

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