I miss you.....

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Tom's POV

I told Adriana to come with me. I was so pissed at what i heard what she did. She wasn't getting away this time. I walked outside where no one was.

" Listen.....Tom...I'm..." she started to stutter out but i stopped her.

" Save it. What did you think you were doing." i said raising my voice a little.

" Tom i didn't know what i was doing. I was a stupid teenager back then." she said trying to explain herself.

" And what are you now? A smart teenager yeah right." i said to her.

" You know Tom.... You have no idea what i was going through. You were gone for 9 months how would you even know what was going on in my life you never even called." she said getting mad. I was really upset now i mean she was right a little but she had no reason to do what she did.

" That is still doesn't give you a reason to become an alcholoic and think you could do whatever you want." i said raising my voice. She looked away and just shook her head.

" What?" i said wanting to know why she shook her head.

" You don't get it do you." she said with tears in her eyes.

" Get what that my 17 year old sister was an alcholoic and went to jail for underage drinking and driving. Meanwhile she also went to jail after that for stealing and fake ids. You know i don't know who you are anymore. I mean when mom said you were messed up i thought she was just over reacting but i guess i was wrong. You have became a messed up girl. You have become a trashbag and a whore i am ashamed to call you my sister. Having fuckin sex at the age of 17 with someone who's not your boyfriend." i said looking at her she had tears falling down her face and she just shook her head and walked away.

" Where are you going?" i said trying to catch up to her. I grabbed her shoulder to stop her.

" Don't Touch Me!" she said not looking at me and moving away. " And any where but here right now!" she said walking into the building. Oh My God Tom what have done.

Adriana's POV

I couldn't believe what Tom said to me but i guess he was right. Everything he said was true about me except i didn't want to have sex i was forced. I couldn't be around him anymore i just needed time by myself. I walked into the studio and stormed past everyone. I grabbed my purse and phone and walked out the door. I started walking and just let my legs guide the way. I went and got a McDonalds chocolate chip frappe. I walked to a cemetry. I walked through until i found the head stone.



I sat There just lookin at it. I started to cry and cry and cry.

" Wesley i miss you so much. You were my bestfriend and cousin. I love you soo much. You were like a dad to me. You drove me places and taught me things. I just wish you were here to help me right now. I know after you died from a drunk driver that i would never drink. I'm sorry i broke that promise i was a stupid teen and i just wish you were here but i know your in a better place now. I love you." i said to the grave stone of my dead cousin. It started to pour down rain. I just sat.there thinking about the past then suddenly i felt someone put there hand on my shoulder which made me jump.

" Oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?" asked a voice that sounded fimiliar. I looked and saw Nathan. I just nodded my head and turned back around.

" Well it doesn't seem like you are.?" he said kneeling down next to me.

" Well knowing that i just fought with my brother and everything he said about me was true." i said not making eye contact.

" Well how about we walk back to the hotel. No one is there they all are at the studio then they are going out." he said rubbing my back. I nodded my head and he helped me up and looked me in the eyes. This feeling was so magic right now i didn't want to move.

Nathan's POV

I saw the little fragile girl sitting by a grave. When i walked up to her she had mascare all down her face. Adriana and I started to walk back to the hotel. I wrapped my arm around her on the way back because she was freezing.

" Nathan?" she asked in her soft voice.

" yeah babe?" i said looking down at her.

" Did Tom say anything like about what happened?" she asked.

" No he was just really upset it seemed like. He just wanted time a lone i think." i said. She nodded her head then we got to the hotel. We walked to the room and no one was there. Adriana went into the bathroom and wiped her make-up off she looked so sad. She layed down on the bed and started to cry.

" Sweetie listen everything is going to be okay. I will always be here for you no matter what. Just remember that if you ever need anyone to talk to just come to me." i said kneeling next to the bed moving the hair out of her face.

" Thanks Nath." she said closing her eyes. I shut the door slowly and went to the living room and saw everyone walking in.

" Is she here!?" asked Tom.

" Yeah i found her at a grave yard sitting in.front of a grave crying. She is asleep now and Tom i think you need to talk to her." i said to him.

" I don't know i think we need some time apart. We hardley ever fight like we did. We fought like that twice so but it's never been this bad." he said rubbing his face stressfully. He looked like he was about to cry.

I'll go talk to her...." said Jay. Tom just nodded his head and we just watched TV.

Jay's POV

Tom told me what happened and i know that Tom loves his sister but i think what he said went a little bit to far. I opened the door a little and saw Adriana playing the gutiar and singing.

You use to call me your angel

Said i was send straight down from.heaven

You'd hold me close in your arms

I loved the way you felt so strong.

I never wanted you to leave

I wanted you to stay here holdin me

I miss you I miss your smile

And i still.shed a tear every once in a while

And even though it's different know

You're still here somehow

My heart won't let you go

And i need you to know

I.miss you

Sha la la la

I.miss you.

" Wow did you write that?" i asked walking in the whole way.

" Yeah i wrote it for my cousin when he died." she said movin over so i could sit down next to her.

" Tom told me everything. I just want to know why did you become an alcholic?" i asked her.

" Well you know how my mom slapped me the first day?" she said trying to help me remember. I nodded my head and she continued.

" Well that wasn't the first time. She hit me all the time so i started to drink to get rid of the pain." she said. I looked over at the door and saw Tom standing there.

" Tom don't please." said Adriana running to him.

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