twelve <3

474 27 1

3rd pov:

DIO WANT TO KILL THE PERSON for what happen to [y/n] and her son. He devote himself to her for the promise of their safety but revenge. It have already tainted into him. His blood boils to just tear up the inside and out. The bloodlust reek in his vain,and the wild of each torture he can possibly imagine.

Just for [y/n] life to be steady of peacefulness and he  vows till the end.

Her heart will never feel or see the pain of loosing another love one.

Dio suddenly jolt back reality when the beauty make herself known when she gave him a muffin that she bake. Not that while ago since Dio and Giorno decided to stay longer for a movie and sweet to eat.

The children's are distracted by a Disney movie, Dio didn't pay mind but instead his eyes will often glance at [y/n] hypnotized eyes glue on the screen. With a amused grin.

"Are you enjoying this movie much as the kids?" He whispered behind her ear

[y/n] flinch of his soft raspy voice that creep into her ears as it lou to a sleepy state but she turn her head. His face was close to hers, he wasn't bother but kept looking at her

"It's one my favorites" [y/n] spoke back in the same tone that caught Dio in a trance's of how innocent she sound but the way her eyes peer up to him. With the screen was the only source of light in the dark room, made [y/n] appear alluring of her soft eyes place on his while her figure is smaller but her fingers brush against his for a moment when she have to turn her body towards him.

Dio held a breath of tempting to get hold her and cradled her to himself of how perfect she is. He have always know [y/n] is beautiful being that exists, he remember when she got older , she was not aware of that till he have to tell her, because he can see the watchful lust eyes land on her. 

It sicken him to have others eyes on her or much worse to speak to her of their undying love, he have the urge to slash them out of their nonsense of mixing up their own lust and romance towards her. Dio close his eyes when he let out a breathe out from his nose as he realizing he was angry of this past memory that doesn't matter now.

"I see" Dio mumbles but stay quiet for he can hear the sounds of [y/n] soft breathing from her chest rose up a little before going down.

Dio watch how her eyes glance down for a moment before their eyes hold a little longer then usual but nevertheless her shyness have grow his confidence. He boldly want to make a move, his thoughts run few things but his eyes switch towards the children as their eyes are sucking into the tv.

Dio take a bite of the muffin, it's delicious and a little sweet to his liking as he about to tell [y/n] of his thoughts of her baking.

Giorno stood up from his position, sat himself on [y/n] lap with eyelids are slowly closing but his gold blond hair was curl in a mess. [y/n] reach over his hair that are soft and the mother figure to giorno, happily smile when his face brush against her own.

Letting out a low giggle of cuddling giorno, [y/n] have herself comfortable with giorno in arms of dozing off with soft snores.

Meanwhile, Dio stare at his son bold move and with a twitch of his mouth that want to smile of the tenderness moment. Dio can see the warmth they are sharing of just holding each other, he love it.

Dio heart squeeze of the sweet moment, every second is drawn in his memories, that isn't everyday to see.  Parenthood is difficult for him of a very quiet child. Barely talks to anyone and says few words before aimlessly stare off. He does get worried for giorno.

Dio gaze soften of [y/n] soft whisper into giorno ears in comfort and love.

"He likes to be comfort like this" [y/n] stare down giorno sleeping form and his fingers tangled in her locks of hair that's is by her breast. Feeling content of both heart started to sync, nothing is better of being the arms of person that you cherish and how desperately giorno needed that.

Dio didn't need to say anything, he made himself close towards the pair with arms outstretched of wanting his son back. [y/n] gladly hand him over but not before giorno start to stir that cause both parent to embrace each other around giorno form. Then the couple stare at each other of closeness but in shock that a small startle cause them.

Giorno eyes peel open of the feeling of more then two arms holding him, small and big ones. He only meet the two faces of people, his gaze shifted left and right before closing his eyes with a smile.

[y/n] don't know how to react, no words can escape the eyes of Dio stare at her but seeming how he didn't want to break apart.

"I see now" Dio spoke with a new fond smile reach on his lips.

[y/n] did hear and feel her heart speed up of watching Dio smile. That she knew, she couldn't pull apart from him, the beauty in him have attracted her, and the shot of diamonds of his eyes that always watch her.

The hunger of something more.

^Cherish^ |JoJo's X Mother!Reader| { AU!JJBA}Where stories live. Discover now