||Ghost X Soap || - First Aid

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In Chicago on their last mission to stop the last missile from landing in D.C, Soap and Ghost had managed to kill hassan and stop the last missile which means they can move back to their team with the others (task force 141.) "L.T good shooting skills" he knew Ghost on the other side agreed just by the little "hm" he muttered, Soap had made sure he had everything with him before waiting outside for the helicopter. He presumed there was no more guards as to how silent the building was, he didn't check behind him but he should have been on high alert at all times. What he didn't know was that there was 1 random guard from hassan's team left around 2 meters away from him, pointing the gun at his leg, knowing if he shot there, he'd be either limping or on the floor. All Soap felt was a sudden agonising pain in his calve, he got out one of his guns ready and turned around to shoot them dead, once they were gone, all Soap was left with was an injured leg which needed first aid or medical seeing as soon as possible.

Luckily the helicopter had came 2 minutes later due to how bad it was bleeding from the bullet, staining his trousers with a red patch. Soap had been trying his best not to show he was limping whilst walking towards the helicopter, Price had gave him a helping hand up and all of them were together with no one left behind or dead. He didn't think that anyone would have seen it until he heard Ghost speak "get the first aid kit Gaz! he is hurt" all Soap saw was Ghost on both of his knees, the pain distracted him from thinking of anything in the moment. He saw the taller male take off his gloves to see his pale hands, the veins were showing each time he did something with them, Soap knew that he'd be smiling like crazy if it wasn't when he was in agony with his left calve. He has had a few bullets go into him whilst he was in this job so it wasn't the first and probably wasn't going to be the last one either, once Gaz had passed Ghost the Emergency First Aid kit, he started on Soap's leg so that the bullet can be removed as soon as possible, also with keeping it bandaged up to heal.

The taller man had saw Soap looking at him and his hands, he was lucky he was wearing a mask because he was covering up a smirk on his face "you never seen hands before Mctavish?" "I have" "well stop staring at mine". The only thing ghost had to go in deeper into the wound was a pocket knife, he had to do this so that he could remove the bullet from the calve, Soap had knew this was going to hurt a lot but it was better than having it in there for longer and risking an infection or worse. When the blade dug into his leg, he felt like screaming but he knew it would be embarrassing to do so, he tried to be silent but all that was heard was silent groans in pain every time it went deeper into his leg. Ghost had tried to ignore the Smaller male's sounds and focused on getting this bullet out, he knew Soap couldn't keep quiet due to how painful it was but he tried to hurry it up so the wound doesn't worsen overtime. Once he has an idea of where the bullet was in the calve, Ghost had picked up the tweasers and searched for the bullet inside the leg, it took him around 3 minutes but he had successfully removed it and left it on a piece of tissue. He had got the bandaging kit out, choosing the appropriate size for his leg, he had been wrapping it around his leg quite a few times before realising it was enough, He used the scissors provided to cut off the extra bandaging and put the spare in the first aid kit.

"Thanks L.T" Ghost gave him a nod before returning the first aid kit, Soap had managed to roll down his trouser leg before seeing Price inspect the bullet. After a moment or two, he spoke "you are very lucky to have that leg Soap, this bullet does serious damage" soap didn't realise how lucky he was until Price pointed it out, he wouldn't be able to do military work properly if he had to have that leg amputated due to that bullet. They had been near their military base now just a couple more miles to go, Soap glanced over to see Ghost had his gloves on again, he knew that is a rarity to see his hands outside his gloves, he had decided to sit down until they landed due to how bad his leg was. Once they had landed, he saw Price give him a hand to get up and he helped the smaller male down from the helicopter, he knew for at least the next few weeks he'd be struggling on that leg.


All of 141 were asleep except Ghost and Soap, Soap hasn't been able to sleep due to his leg which he is annoyed about, he kept thinking back to that moment beforehand where he should have been more aware around his surroundings so that would have never happened. Obviously he couldn't ever go back in time to change it, reasoning why his leg is in this condition, he had checked with the medical team at their base and they said his leg was fine luckily but he just felt non stop pain from it. He liked to move around in his sleep but with his injury he'll struggle to do it, he had wondered if Ghost was awake so he could probably talk with him, he had made sure he was half changed, leaving him shirtless before leaving his room to knock on Ghost's door. Once he got to Ghost's door, he was hesitant to knock, what if he was asleep? What if he disturbed him? Soon enough he got out of his thoughts when he heard the taller male's door swing open to see Ghost in just a black face mask and black jogging bottoms. He saw his dirty blonde hair and couldn't help but look at his torso area which had a little bit of a "dad body" to it, Soap didn't mind and much preferred that to a 6 pack body.

"what is the matter johnny? Why are you at my door?" "I-I'm sorry but I couldn't sleep, is it ok if I join you in there?" it was silence for a few moments before Ghost spoke "sure, I won't be sleeping anyways" "thanks". Soap entered before Ghost closed the door, they both had sat on the sofa in his room and Ghost did his usual or looking out the window "do you normally do this every night?" "most nights I do, i am lucky If I get 2 hours sleep". Soap had felt his eyes go heavy from how warm the room was, way warmer than his bedroom, he saw the small bookcase Ghost had, he had 3 shelves full but 1 was empty, he never knew that he liked reading "you like reading L.T?" "when I get time, barely have any of it since being on 141" "what's your favourite genre in books?" as Ghost was going on about his favourite genre in books, Soap couldn't keep his eyes open for much longer and ended up closing them for a bit which he knew might lead him to falling asleep. As to what Soap thought, he had ended up falling asleep whilst sitting up, Ghost didn't realise until he heard a gentle snore coming from someone opposite him, he saw the smaller male asleep and had a little smile behind his face mask at how cute Soap was being.

Ghost had seen Soap's head slowly tilt over to his side of the sofa, eventually landing on his shoulder, he never felt like smiling around anyone but Soap was for some reason different from other people in his life. The masked male had kept a hand on Soap's head, knowing he was brave today and knowing it was probably the reason why he couldn't sleep was because of his injury. The both of them had been polar opposites of one another when it came to temperature, he was always warm whilst Soap had been bitter cold, he had hoped that no one saw him like this since he knew 141 would probably tease him about it for ar least 4 weeks easily. He couldn't care less about them for now and just made the most of this moment due to him having lack of touch or affection with anyone in his life, after a few moments he had realised what he had felt with Soap that he didn't feel with anyone else. He truly loved him.

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