||Merrick X Hesh || - One Step At A Time

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(warning: This is an angst chapter so if you don't like angst then don't read; includes self harm and attempted suicide)

(in this AU, Hesh/David is viewed as the problem child and the least favourite child)

"why is he getting all the good things and I get shit!? Tell me the fucking truth dad!"

"you want the fucking truth!? You are worth nothing to me!  nothing but a mistake me and your dead mom made!"

Hesh had been fed up with his family's bullshit with babying Logan and when it comes to him, they expect him to do it normally without any complaining. If Logan had no money, Elias would give it him no problem without expecting it back but when it came to Hesh, Elias had waited until David stopped asking for it but if it got to the point where it pissed him off from all the asking, he'd give it him and tell him to shut up about it. Hesh had put up with it all his life and tonight he just had enough with it. "you should've told me that sooner! I could've left long ago!" all of the ghosts were sat at the table, watching the madness go on between the 2 "if I knew it was that easy I would have told you sooner!" tears had been streaming down David's face whilst he was standing beside his chair at the dining table. Rorke then adds on to it "also take your fat stomach elsewhere you pig! I don't want to be living with an animal like you" David had took his coat off the rack in the hallway after leaving the dining room and headed out through the front door.

As soon as he felt the fresh wind of the night hit his face, he took a quick inhale and exhale before heading where he wanted to kill himself. He knew no one was coming for him to stop him or comfort him, he felt like no one had ever cared for his feelings or wanted him in their life. He felt some sort of liquid dripping from his arm, he was confused until he remembered, he left his self harm marks to bleed from both arms, David had used a piece of glass from a mirror and went deep against his skin. He had comments about his weight and the favouritism of logan over him play in his head whilst he sliced his arms open, Hesh had hoped none of the ghost members seen any signs of blood on his arms but he knew they most likely wouldn't give a shit. He gotten to the high bridge and felt his vision go slightly fuzzy, he just presumed it was from all the crying, David climbed onto the top of the bridge, taking in a big deep inhale and exhale before feeling more tears come down his face.

He looked at his little round belly and knew he couldn't provide a good life for the two of them, Hesh had used the money his dad Elias gave him to attend appointments since they were so expensive but he knew he couldn't leach off his dad for this baby so he decided to do what he thought was right for both of them. Hesh had slowly caressed his belly before whispering with tears still coming down "I'm so sorry little one". He took off his jacket and threw it onto the pavement before he had finally threw himself off, he was happy he was finally doing what was best for both of them, after 3 seconds, David had felt someone gripping on the back of his shirt. He didn't know who it was until he felt them drag him up and back into their arms, he saw it was Thomas and that was the last person he expected to save him from drowning himself and the baby. He felt Thomas put him standing up straight, he saw the panic and worry in the taller male's eyes "Why the fuck are you trying to drown yourself!? Why didn't you come to me and talk about it?" "I-I'm sorry, I felt like I couldn't talk to someone about it and now I can't go anywhere now my dad has kicked me out".

"you can stay with m-" Thomas had noticed Hesh's dried blood on his arms and the recently cut wounds "why did you do this David? Why did you hurt yourself?" "it was my only way of getting out stress and anger in the house" Thomas sighed before speaking "you can always talk to me and please if you need a long deep conversation with me, please tell me alright? I'd rather listen to your problems than be carrying your coffin" David had noticed the tears in the taller males eyes, knowing he was being genuine with his words. David nodded before seeing Thomas look down at David's small but round belly, even though hesh knew the older male didn't mean for it to be a judging look, it felt like it to him. "How far?" Thomas had questioned before David responded "20 weeks next week" Thomas had decided to not ask about the father of the baby and just took Hesh into his arms for a hug which the smaller male didn't know he needed until now.

Hesh had loved this hug so much and didn't want it to end, it was a peaceful moment of hugging before the rain decided to come down heavily, they both had looked up and seen the rain coming down at a fast pace. Merrick had pulled out an umbrella and gave it to Hesh all set up before the taller male pulled up his hood on his coat "I don't want you two getting wet" David had watched the taller male walk off, presuming David was beside him. The smaller male had just watched him as he walked off, he was just staring at him whilst he he was still on the bridge, he couldn't get over how much someone had cared for him like Merrick did. He knew it was probably just basic acts of kindness but Hesh had felt himself slowly falling in love with the male way infront of him, Merrick had turned around and noticed Hesh still on the bridge "you coming with me or what?" Hesh had snapped back into reality and ran over with a slight smile.

"sorry for taking so long" "it's fine, let's go to my place" they had walked to his car and Hesh was surprised how neat and clean everything was in the car, he knew no kids have been in there or drunk people for that matter. "Are you sure you are ok with me staying at your place?" "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want you staying there" Hesh knew he had a point and stayed quiet whilst they drove to Merrick's big house.

**********2 months later**********

Hesh had moved in with Merrick, they both had ended up falling in love with one another whilst living with each other for the past 2 months. Each time David would try to do something himself but since he has entered the third trimester, Thomas had decided to do it instead, if David dropped something on the floor then Thomas picked it up for him. If David tried to tie his laces by himself on the bottom step of the staircase, Thomas had tied the laces for him, David had knew Thomas didn't want any harm towards him or the baby but he wished he could try and do stuff himself. He knew other people would take advantage of it but David liked to be independent and do stuff himself so someone doing it for him can be quite annoying after a bit. Thomas had attended the ultrasound check ups with David, it made him feel happy that even though the baby might not be his, he still wants to raise the baby with the smaller male.

Both of them had decided to stay in bed today and watch TV with one another whilst Thomas was off from work. They were both watching a series in bed on the TV, Merrick's head was on top of Hesh's quite big bump, David had kept a hand on Thomas's head whilst smiling. He loved peaceful weekends like this where they didn't have to go out anywhere, it was just resting or them 2 doing something together like a dinner date or going shopping for themselves in the mall. "you comfortable there babe?" Merrick just nods with a smile "she's not kicking you in the face multiple times like she usually does?" "she's pretty calm today, only a few kicks to the face" "maybe you're not annoying her today" merrick gave him a squinted eye look before laughing "I can't take you seriously" he laid his head back down on the bump "crazy we are going to have our princess with us in a couple of months" Hesh had realised and knew if it truly was merrick's child biologically, she wasn't going to be small at all.

"can we have ice cream?" "but you said you didn't like ice cream darling?" "please can you get me some?" merrick sighed before smiling "what flavour?" "mint chocolate chip." He saw Thomas go downstairs after getting dressed and he left to go get Hesh's ice-cream, Hesh felt her going crazy kicking and punching everywhere, he thought he was carrying a ninja with how fast she was today. David had noticed that it was when Thomas leaves after laying there for so long on his bump. After 20 minutes, merrick was back with the whole tub and a spoon for Hesh. He really felt like he didn't deserve him. "thank you babe" "no worries" they kissed for a minute or two until Hesh felt a kick to the ribs which he made a slight hiss in pain to "you alright?" "she is kicking me in the ribs" "I'm sure she'll stop once she has had some ice cream I'm sure" "hopefully".

   *****another 2 months later*****

"Another big push and the baby will be here"

Hesh had been in labour for 19 hours now and has had enough of it all, he had been sore and torn. He took a big inhale and exhale before doing the big push which caused him to scream the hospital room down, he had been squeezing Thomas's hand off for all these 19 hours and Thomas had felt like he would need a cast on his arm after it is all over. The baby's cry had filled the silent room and they had cleaned off the blood before wrapping her in a soft, pink blanket which they brought with them in the hospital bag. Hesh had her in his arms finally and felt the tears coming down whilst smiling, she was here with him now after  9 long months, David had looked at the nose shape and saw it was identical to merricks, he smiled at merrick before kissing one another. "she's so cute, did you plan on a name babe?" "yeah but I don't know if you'll like it" "what is that then?" "Tamara" "it's a beautiful name, Tamara it is".

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