|| Alejandro X Rudy || - Our Random Little Addition (1/2)

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All of them had made a plan to get to El Sin Nombre and find out where the missiles were, but to do that, they all had to take down the guards including Diago. They split off in two's around the penthouse to search for their so called "El Sin Nombre", apparently this person had all the information they needed so they hoped to corner this person and get that information. Ghost and Soap had went to clear the 1st floor, gaz and price had went to clear the 2nd, then Alejandro and Rudy cleared the top floor, the two on the top floor had been near where El Sin Nombre was. They had already cleared the top floor as there were barely any on the top floor , they were waiting for the others to say when they were all clear so that they could all go in together to that room. Whilst waiting for the others, they heard voices coming from one of the doors in the hallway, leading them to their possible enemy, they had tracked down which door it was and listened close to hear what seems to sound like a little kid and a woman. They found it odd but knew they'd find them in there, just waiting for the others to finish clearing the floors. A moment or two later, they saw the other 4 "we have detected where they may be, let's be quiet" Alejandro whispered before they start to head towards that door.

They all listened to Alejandro's instructions and waited for Rudy to kick open the door, once he had done that, they all had their guns aimed at who they least expected it to be. Valeria. They all had not expected their enemy to be Valeria apart from Alejandro, he kind of predicted it would be her but he had his doubts, the only thing that they didn't expect to see was a little girl standing in front of valeria, she looked a lot like Rudy but with long black hair. She had looked at 141 as if to say "please help me", she had been scared for her life whilst having a gun to her head "back chat at me again and you'll know what happens" valeria spoke to the little girl, she had wore a similar outfit to valeria but her vest had been covered in dirt and a slight bit of blood. "I'm so so sorry please don't shoot me I'll do anything" "valeria why are you doing this to a poor girl?! She done nothing wrong!" "Alejandro.......ive been trying to train her to be a good soldier but she keeps backchatting me, as an 8 year old, she should have learned her lesson but she is pushing it" "she's only 8 valeria! , you should've waited until she was at least 13 to start training her!" "shut it Alejandro if I want to train her I will" they all had then stared at her to see her face looking like she had seen a ghost (no joke intended).

"is she El Sin Nombre little girl?" Rudy questioned, she took the risk and nodded before Valeria had her finger on the trigger about to shoot. Rudy had went and moved her hand upwards so that she shot the roof "don't shoot little kids valeria!" Alejandro exclaimed at Valeria "she deserves it, she's a pain In my ass." "she doesn't deserve how much you abuse her!" she had scoffed then smiled "i doubt you would train her any better" "I could and wouldn't abuse her for her mistakes" "how would she learn? She wouldn't" "that is what practice is for pandejo". "Fine take her then if you are really bothered about my behaviour towards the little shit" "gladly" Valeria pulled out a pocket knife and slashed it across her left cheek, triggering the others and they had pinned her to the wall before tying her hands together "we'll need some information from you before we let you go" price spoke before the 4 had led her to where they planned to take her, Alejandro and Rudy had stopped behind to see the little girl with blood coming from the knife slashing across her skin, she had been silently crying to herself and all that was heard was sniffles.

They had headed over and Rudy had lightly put a hand on her shoulder whilst crouching "you ok? We are sorry for her" she moved her hands from her face, looking at Rudy with tears running down her cheeks "how long has she been doing this?" "4 y-years". Alejandro had felt his blood boil in anger, he hated Valeria but this had made him hate her even more "we'll get you cleaned up alright?" she nodded and walked with them to the nearest bathroom, as they walked through the building to find one, Rudy had been so distracted by trying to find a bathroom to wash her face and cover the little injury on her face, he had jumped when he felt the little girl's hand try to hold his. He had looked and he was surprisingly not bothered one bit when usually he shakes other people's hands off except alejandros, she had a little smile on her face when she saw that he didn't shake her off. Alejandro had saw and smiled, seeing that was a cute sight for him.

They managed to find a bathroom in the penthouse and saw a mini first aid kit which was useful, she had cleaned her face whilst on her tip toes due to how small she was for an 8 year old girl. It took her about 3 minutes before she got a towel for her face, meaning she was done with washing her face. She had a plaster long enough for her face then they headed off to where the others were with Valeria, she had went to hold Rudy's hand and he allowed her to once again. Rudy had already wanted to keep her as a daughter but he knew that she would have to be put in an adoption centre if Alejandro didn't want her. When they got to the door of the outside, they saw 141 leading Valeria out of the place they were told to meet the others, she had hid behind Rudy as she was scared of Valeria getting her hands on her again. "looks like you 2 have a new addition" Soap spoke, the couple had looked at each other before seeing her already being attached to Rudy "I-I mean probably" "she could pass as your two's kid" "I would happily have her b-" "I'll happily have her as family". Rudy was happy that Alejandro also wanted her as a daughter, but thinking about it, they didn't ask if she had a name "do you have a name?" Alejandro asked, she nodded no whilst staying by Rudy's side.

They had both had to think of a name for her now which was their next mission, the 3 of them had waved their goodbyes to 141 before it was just them 3 all together. She was just happy she now has parents and she didn't have to worry about Valeria anytime soon, they had all got into a car and she was looking outside the car window as Rudy drived them all to their house, knowing they can live peacefully as a family for a while.

(should I do more of these 3 as family? Let me know in the comments :) )

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