|| Hesh X Merrick (2) ||

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(this is a sequel to the last one but if you don't like mpreg then don't read)

Eversince Hesh and Merrick had that marathon of sex, everything was fine until 2 months after when Hesh started to become sick and throw up any food someone makes him. He just thought it was a stomach bug for the first month but it had happened for longer than a month, he did want to go see a doctor but at the same time he didn't incase if it was the worse case scenario he imagined. He knew that during one discussion about kids between the ghosts, Merrick had said he didn't want any and would just ignore them as if they didn't exist if he had any, that is what scared him, if he kept the kid and they asked about their dad. He would either have to tell the harsh truth or make something believable up, Hesh had left them thoughts a while ago and the topic itself as well, as 3 more months had passed, he noticed the weight gain from whatever it was inside of him. He knew it was going to be a problem if he had been pregnant, Hesh knew his dad Elias would try and kill Merrick with his bare hands if he could.

Hesh had to check eventually so he decided to go to the doctors about it, it was going all good until they had to do an ultrasound on his belly, he flinched at the cold gel and as he felt the doctor go around with the monitor, after 2 minutes, they both saw what was on the screen. A baby. He knew that it was going to go downfall from here if his dad knew and tried to kill Merrick, Hesh knew his brother logan would be supportive and happy to be an uncle. He hid the ultrasound picture he kept in his jacket pocket, he knew no one looked in there and kept his jacket zipped up, hiding his small bump on his belly. He sighed before seeing Logan and Keegan with their little Girl Katelyn, it made him smile then felt himself click back to reality when he seen Riley wagging his tail in happiness to see Hesh. He had petted the dog that responded with a happy bark and when he walked through the cafeteria with Riley, he saw his dad walk up to him, he felt nervous but he tried to keep calm. "we all have a mission tomorrow as ghosts, is that alright?" "well I mean yeah but can't I stay and look after Katelyn? I'm sure she doesn't have anyone to watch her" "keegan's parents are looking after her" "oh ok" "why are you avoiding this mission all of a sudden?" "if I told you the truth, do you promise not to kill anyone?" "I'll try to promise you that but is it that bad?" Hesh had nodded before seeing Logan come up to them.

"You ok Hesh? You seem pale" "I'm fine logan don't worry" "so what is it you need to tell me about if I promise not to kill anyone?" "Well............I'm expecting" "expecting what?" Logan immediately knew and kept quiet. Hesh had got out an ultrasound photo and gave it to his dad "this is what I mean" it took Elias a moment to process what It was and when he clicked to it, he spoke "who's the dad? Or is that the bit you told me not to kill anyone?" "it was the bit i told you not to kill anyone about" "the father couldn't be that b-" "it is Thomas's but I know he doesn't want kids". Elias has let out a big inhale and exhale before speaking "it is so hard to not kill the fucker" "is it as bad as keegan?" "no it's worse since Merrick has anger issues and has barely any patience which I worry about if he did help raise the kid, accidentally letting it out on the poor child". Hesh knew he had a point then put the ultrasound away "how far are you?" Logan questioned "5 months" "wait so you've been doing missions with us and we didn't know you were carrying?" "yes, I'm sorry logan but I've only just gotten the confidence to find out today."

Logan had said his goodbye before seeing Katelyn drag him back over to their table with Keegan, he noticed that Katelyn had looked the double of keegan, especially with her eyes, but he did see bits of Logan in her as well.  He had a feeling this baby will look the double of Merrick if it is a girl, he was so zoned out that he forgot his dad was in front of him "David are you ok?" "sorry I zoned out dad" "it is fine, when your mom was expecting with you she used to do it often". Hesh felt it become too warm for him and unzipped his jacket to show the small bump on his belly, as he looked at it, he felt a random movement inside of him, it was slightly painful but he could bear the pain "what the fuck was that?" "what?" "I felt a weird movement" he placed his hand in the same spot and it happened again on his stomach "it is them starting to move around, it is normal and you'll get used to it I'm sure".


2 months had went by and he felt like a whale, his joints had ached and looked like he was carrying 3 but it was only one, he had grew massive but it wasn't a surprise since Merrick was a giant so his kid wouldn't be small. The only way how he relaxed his aching joints in the evening was having a bath, Riley had liked to think he was protecting Hesh everytime he was in the bath which he found cute. He still hasn't told Merrick about the baby but he knew the answer would have been "get rid of it" or "I don't want to be in its life". He sighed as he had been all ready for bed and gotten comfy in his blanket, after about 5 minutes, he heard a knock at his bedroom door, knowing it was logan and probably Keegan as well. Riley had started barking and Hesh rubbed his eyes before answering the door, looking exhausted "sorry if we disturbed you from your sleep, do you want these baby things? We don't need them anymore" "sure logan but I have most stuff" Riley had stopped barking, knowing who they were and watched them bring the stuff in, Hesh was grateful for everything and thanked them before they left again. Hesh had went back into bed and Riley had jumped up and got himself comfy, his head laying on Hesh's bump, they had both fell asleep peacefully.


Another 2 and a half months passed, and Hesh had enough of this pregnancy, it went so slow for him and just want them here already, it felt like hell just walking to the toilet and back. He wished they would come during the day but instead of that, they decided to give him contractions at 12 in the morning, which he found irritating, Riley had sensed it happening and went to the door of the bedroom. He luckily found a small gap in the door from not being closed all the way and started to bark, trying to alert someone, Hesh just hoped it wasn't Merrick he alerted otherwise he'd have a lot of explaining to do. After about a minute or two, Elias and Logan had headed into his room and had a panicked look on their faces when they saw him gripping on the bedsheets in pain "you ok David?!" he wish he could respond but felt another painful contraction hit him "I-it hurts so bad" he managed to say whilst sounding breathless.

"it'll be ok David Dad is getting the medical kit ok?" Hesh just nodded as he felt nothing but agonising pain through his whole body, Elias had returned with the medical kit "you'll be ok just keep breathing in and out and stay calm ok?" Hesh listened but couldn't respond back to him due to how painful this process was. He felt sweat build up on his forehead and he felt disgusting when his water broke on the bed, he knew he couldn't help it but it felt wrong, after being 2 hours into it, he felt Logan place a cold towel on his head which helped Hesh loads with cooling down, he knew that this was going to take ages as he was already exhausted 2 hours into labour.


Hesh was on his last pushes and was kind of glad but at the same time, he felt it burning so bad he felt like screaming the building down "alright last 2 pushes now, I can see the head and shoulders". Hesh had felt his body shaking from the agony he was in and squeezed Logan's hand he offered to Hesh to help him through the labour "one more big push then they'll be here" once he did that push, the room was filled with baby cries. After 8 long hours of giving birth, the baby was there with Hesh after a long 9 months, once she was cleaned up and had the chord chopped off, she was wrapped in a soft pink blanket, Hesh had knew from the blanket cover that it was a girl. He was so happy he finally had his little girl with him, Hesh had felt Elias place her in his arms due to him having shaky arms from the birth, luckily it would go away in a few days, he had looked at his little girl and smiled, knowing she was perfect to him. He had been scared of telling Merrick about this little girl but as he was thinking about it, he had entered the room to see the sight of Hesh with a newborn little girl.

He had came over and spoke "she's a cutie, who's the lucky dad?" he had sighed before speaking "I'm sorry for not telling you but you are her dad" he had expected Merrick to be mad but instead, he had spoke "I'm sorry if my comments in that one meeting put you off telling me altogether" "it's fine" she had yawned and slightly stretched before getting comfy again, making both of them smile at her "can I hold her?" "yeah I need some sleep I'm exhausted" Merrick had lightly picked her up and she made a little sound before getting comfy again. After a few moments, Merrick had spoke "do any of you two know what he was going to name her?" "he told me he was going to name her Tamara" Logan responded "cute and unique, I like it" Merrick had admired how cute and peaceful she looked in her sleep.

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