König X Horangi [$mUt request]

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"the mask stays on"

König was a bit token back by the request but obliged to it, Horangi had felt trapped under König's big build on the bed, smirking. He already removed his sunglasses and mask, keeping his arms wrapped around konig's neck, he wanted König to keep his t shirt mask on. "whatever you want mein schatz~" he whispered with a slight smirk in the smaller male's ear, Horangi slightly arched his lower back to the tingling sensation that went down his spine. König's shirt mask covered  his  bare skin where he kissed and sucked, leaving hickeys one at a time around the neck and shoulders. Both males had been in their boxers, König left a trail of kisses on Horangi's neck, a small moan left the pinned male's mouth "fuck" König moved his position slightly on the bed, adjusting to get to his aim body part on Horangi, he grazed his mouth around his nipple, teasing the 6'2 male under him on the bed.

Horangi let out a few little moans here and there when König teased him on certain parts of his body, König had wanted to tease his lover as much as he wanted  who had been under him "tell me when I can go lower Mein Liebe". Horangi knew König, he wouldn't touch him in an unwanted way unless the smaller male asked for it "sit down" Horangi said with a stern tone, König kept direct eye contact when he positioned himself in a man spreading position on the bed, his legs divorced on the bed. Horangi had sat opposite König, hands ready to remove the older male's black Calvin Klein boxers, the bulge was huge, Horangi knew konig was going to be big just by looking. "what are you waiting for dear? Go ahead" König insisted, staying in that position, waiting for the smaller male to make a move on him. 

"if you insist~" Horangi smirked, his hands creeping to König's waist, sliding down to the top lining of the boxers, Horangi's thumbs slid inside the boxers, the other 4 fingers outside the boxers assisted taking down König's boxers. Horangi knew what he was doing first, the smirk remained as he gave the taller male one last quick glance before removing the undergarments from König, throwing it on the floor. The older male's cock was now exposed on the bed, Horangi's assumption was correct, he was big. König had smirked under his mask, he was glad to have some off time to spend with his partner Horangi off duty, he was spending it well. Horangi adjusted himself on the bed, getting ready for his next move, knowing he was going to get a good sight out of this.

He began licking at the tip, doing circular motions around it, a few quiet groans and moans heard from König as Horangi continued to lick around the hard and upright cock. A minute or two later, the smaller male started to suck, his head moving up and down as it bobbed with König's cock in his mouth, his hand wrapped around his cock, König kept a hand in Horangi's raven coloured hair, tugging it back as he was getting pleasured in this moment, mumbling "fuck" under his breath. Horangi gave his cock the occasional light nip with his teeth, earning a quiet gasp from König everytime he did it, especially around the tip, König secretly enjoyed Horangi's teasing, although he wouldn't admit it to the Korean male's face.

5 minutes more of this happening, König felt himself getting close to Cumming, Horangi could tell by the veins on König's cock as they were showing through more clearly as if they were straining, making a small tug at the sides of Horangi's mouth go upwards. Horangi crawled over on the bed to König's side, sitting on his lap, his legs spread, leaving room for König's cock, Horangi had used his hand to cup the outline of the Austrian man's chin, using a light grip as he tilted the taller man's head down slightly and then went next to König's ear and whispered with a stern voice "don't cum until I say, alright baby?" König had just obeyed and followed his Boyfriend's words although it was hard for him.

As a couple minutes passed, König felt it in his stomach area build up with pressure from not releasing yet, it felt like his body was slightly tingling as his groans being quite loud, it was like music to Horangi's ears, it was getting harder and harder to not release for König. Horangi had been leaving his purple trail on König's body and neck, the moans and groans from König were getting louder, the longer the Austrian man didn't cum. Horangi had looked at the 6'10 male's body, seeing his work of hickeys all over him, Horangi brushed his knuckles gently over König's waist, he admired König's eyes, they looked desperate and wanting to release but he didn't without the Korean male's permission to. Horangi's next target was König's legs, the smaller male lifted the taller male's legs to rest on his shoulders as Horangi kissed the inside of König's thighs, König had broken the silence with a slight begging tone to his voice "l-let me cum schatz~" Horangi acknowledged König's situation, speaking with a slight teasing tone "maybe, if you say please" without a second thought König responded "please..." Horangi had knew he had made König wait long enough, finally allowing him to.

"now you are allowed" König's moans were loud, making an 'aah' sound repetitively as he came, the pressure was finally released from konig's stomach area, it was relief for the taller male. Horangi smiled as he seen the white mess all over the bed, knowing he caused it, König's moans calmed down, eventually stopping, König had felt amazing, he looked over at the smaller male and smirked, knowing it was his turn. König had flipped the Korean male over on the bed, causing him to be on his front, he removed Horangi's boxers with his big hands, throwing them on the floor, Horangi could sense the slight aggression behind it and didn't mind it, he had a feeling König was experienced in this field so he knew he was in good hands with his partner.

König leaned over, whispering in Horangi's ear "get in a sniper holder position, mein Liebe~"  causing Horangi to arch his back from the tingling sensation of someone whispering in his ear. Horangi followed as commanded, his higher half of his body lowest to the bed and kept his lower half up, slightly standing on the bed, in position for König. The taller male had put on a condom for his cock, wanting to be safe and protected during sex, he softly caressed his hands across Horangi's hips which were in the so called 'sniper holder' position. He brushed his knuckles against them too "I'll start with my fingers to get you used to the sensation, you can tell Me to stop at any point, sex is supposed to be pleasurable, not painful, You ready Schatz?".

"yep" Horangi replied, this gave König the consent he needed, he went in his drawer and put some lube on his whole hand, making sure there was plenty on there. König had inserted two fingers and slowly moved them in and out, seeing Horangi hug the pillow, not seeming too pained or showing any extreme emotion despite being tight, which was a positive. König continued with two fingers until he slowly introduced a third, still keeping a slow pace with his fingers as they moved in and out, Horangi let out a few quiet grunts after the third finger was introduced. "ready for the fourth?" König questioned, Horangi just nodded, ready for the fourth, König had introduced the 4th finger, this time around, Horangi had grunted quietly, this was challenging to adjust to for him.

König had kept his slow pace with his 4 fingers as he promised, letting Horangi have time to adjust to his fingers, Horangi had took a few deep inhales and exhales trying to adjust to the fingers as they slowly came in and out of him. It wasn't easy for him and König allowed him to have all the time he needs before they moved forward, it was Horangi's first time so König had wanted to make it enjoyable. After 10 minutes, Horangi spoke "I'm ready" König had very slowly let his fist enter Horangi, eventually his fist moving slightly past his ring muscles and König stopped, leaving his clenched fist there so Horangi could adjust. There was a lot more grunts coming from Horangi, his grip tightening on the pillow he was hugging close to his chest, König then spoke in a calm tone "you're doing well liebe, just make sure you don't clench ok?" Horangi just nodded as he took deep breaths to himself, hoping him adjusting would go quicker as it took quite some time.

20 minutes had passed and König had seen that Horangi had adjusted well, slowly removing his hand and some of his lower arm that went in. König had made sure the condom from earlier on was secured on, once he knew it was, he had held onto Horangi's hips with a good grip "ready?" "yes" "I'll go slow and tell me when you want it faster, ok?" "ok.." König had slowly went inside of Horangi with his cock and went slowly as he went in and out, letting Horangi tell him exactly when he should go faster. He went at a slow pace at first but it didn't take the Korean Male long before he heard him speak "faster" Horangi groaned, König took it as a command and started to up his pace, Horangi's moans getting louder as König went faster, 10 minutes later, König felt the sweat building up on his forehead behind the mask, slightly panting as he continued to go at a fast pace, his grip on Horangi slightly tightening as König digged his nails in but not enough to make Horangi bleed.

5 more minutes later, they finally released together at the same time, Horangi moaned as he released and König did too, it was an enjoyable experience for the couple. Horangi had let his body fall straight on the bed as he was exhausted and drained after the moment they shared. König had sat on the edge of the bed by Horangi's naked body and smiled, seeing the exhaustion on his smaller boyfriend's face, he could tell he had done it right as Horangi was smiling as he hugged the pillow and looked at König. "I'm guessing you liked it Schatz?" "definitely" this Brought a smile to König's face as he finally removed the mask and enjoyed the fresh air after being in that mask for so long. The Austrian man had put their bed blanket over Horangi, watching him relax, it was a good sight to see after good sex, he truly loved his boyfriend so much. He sat back on the edge of the bed, caressing the younger male's black hair as he seen Horangi slowly drift off to sleep with him softly running his fingers through Horangi's hair. His boyfriend had made everything he has done for him worth it......

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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