|| Keegan X Logan ||- Everything Will Be Ok

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Sensitive topics included: self harm
(fluff in this one shot)

Logan had been low in his mental health the past few weeks and it just seems to not be getting better at all, the comments merrick made at him on his last mission had just triggered it all. He had been bottling his emotions and his mental health away, thinking it never mattered and it was just a thing girls made up for attention but after completing their recent mission, he realised it was an actual thing and it made him realise how bad his mental health was. He had decided to let it all out but his way of letting it all out was hurting himself but he made sure he did it when everyone around is either asleep or training. Logan felt like if he told any of them about it, they'd probably tell him to get a grip or ignore it as if it was nothing but logan knew it wasn't as easy as that. He had to drag himself out of bed and that drained his energy when it shouldn't,  he had to force himself to be happy around the others and make himself sound like there is nothing wrong with him when in reality it just felt painful to do. He knew he needed someone to talk to about it all and maybe he'd feel slightly better but he felt like he couldn't even tell his Dad or David about it without being token the piss out of.

He had been looking out the window, he'd been looking at the moon and stars, he had waited until at least midnight before he went to do his usual self harming on his arms in the bathroom, it was the only way he felt to get rid of the pain from the comments and everything else in general. He waited about 10 minutes more before heading over to the bathroom to do his routine, he had saw the mirror showing his face, 'I'm so ugly, how do the others look me in the face?' Logan thought as he had both hands opposite sides of the sink, he felt himself start to tear up and it ended up becoming a whole crying session. He had picked up the piece of glass he hid in one of his drawers which he usually used to self harm, he had the bad thoughts swimming through his head 24/7 ever since that moment, he had started to cut his arm open with the glass and there was already marks trying to scab up but it was soon cut open again by logan slashing his arm, blood slowly rising to his arm. He had felt his vision go blurry due to him crying, if he were to look in the mirror, he'd be guaranteed  to have red, puffy eyes.

Once he finished on one of his arms, he was about to start on his other scabbed arm until he heard wierd scratching sounds on his door, he listened to it but he couldn't give a shit since it was probably Riley getting his and David's rooms mixed up. He started again on the second arm whilst hearing annoying scratching sounds from the dog. He was too trapped in his own negative thoughts to hear someone knocking on the door for him, that person was trying to pick at the locked door with something but when that didn't work, the person had a lot of strength to bash the door open. Logan didn't even notice the blood on the floor, leaking from his arms, he had still been crying and didn't notice anyone in his room until he heard a fimiliar voice of someone he had felt close to. "Logan!? You alright!?" he saw it was Keegan and tried to focus back on him "why did you do this Logan?? Why didn't you come to me before doing this!?" the younger male had heard the concern in Keegan's voice for him and he felt like he couldn't physically get out the words he wanted to say to the older male.

He had been looking at how much Keegan was worried and panicked due to Logan's own actions to himself, he now felt bad due to making someone worry about him when they shouldn't. "wait here, I'll get a first aid kit" he had just listened to him and stayed sat on the bathtub edge, after about 2 minutes, Keegan came back with the first aid kit and dragged Logan by the wrist to the edge of his bed to cover his wounds on his arms. Keegan had made sure the blood stopped flowing so much before even trying to bandage his arms, it took about 5 minutes before he could start applying bandaging around Logan's arms, Logan had saw the worry in Keegan's face whilst applying the bandaging. "I'm sorry" Keegan had heard Logan mutter under his breath whilst watching the older male cover up the injury he did to himself "don't apologise, but please tell me everything that's wrong lately to cause you to do this" "I didn't realise until these few weeks how bad my mental health was, it was triggered by our recent mission from merrick's comments" that name made Keegan's blood boil but he kept calm whilst half way doing the bandaging.

"prick" keegan muttered which made a slight smile on Logan's face "I just don't feel like I used to, I used to get up out of bed with no issue but now it just feels.........like I have weights on me to get up" then logan continued on, hoping Keegan was still listening. "I just feel like I have to put on emotions just so people don't worry about me" then Keegan sighed before speaking "I know the others are quite harsh and try to tell you that your emotions don't matter, but in reality they do so after missions if you need someone to talk to about it, you'll always have me, alright kid?" "t-thank you" Keegan looked up to see Logan have tears coming down his face, he leaned forward and wiped them from the younger male's face. Keegan had almost done both arms and he let Logan talk about it all, hopefully going to make it less stressful for him, talking it all out. Luckily for Logan, it had took a lot off his chest and made him feel more of a connection with Keegan weirdly, as the older was packing away the first aid spares, he gathered all the dirty items and decided to place them in the bathroom bin.

Logan had changed into just pyjama bottoms and entered his bed, hoping that Keegan would join him once he was done, he saw the taller male walk out the bathroom. He saw Keegan about to leave until they made eye contact again, Logan patted on his double bed to indicate he wants Keegan to join him, the younger saw him having to think about it but then he closed the door behind him, placing the first aid kit by the bedside table. Keegan couldn't say no to Logan, his face looked so much like his mothers as he had seen on the photos, he was a beautiful copy of her. "I can't stay long logan, I don't want one of your 2 family members to hate me if they found me like this" "it's fine, I'm sure they are asleep by now and won't wake up until at least 12 in the afternoon" "you sure? I don't want to executed" Keegan's sentence had made Logan smile "they won't, I'll make sure of it". Logan had ran his hand slowly through Keegan's black hair and made the most of him like this, he knew Keegan appeared as a cold, scary person to most people that see him but in reality when people get to know him more, he's a good person but he struggles to give love often to anyone due to him barely having any family members, that's why Keegan made the most of this moment with logan. He was in love with logan.

Keegan had let Logan run his hands through his hair, it felt nice and he admired the handsome man in front of him "you should show your hair more instead of wearing that beanie, you look good with your hair showing" "you think so?" "yes". Keegan had lightly brushed his knuckles across Logan's cheek, admiring him once again, he couldn't get over how pretty and handsome he was, he did that for about 2 minutes until he muttered something Logan couldn't hear properly "Hesh and Elias will kill me for this" then he cupped the younger male's chin with his left hand and kissed him. Logan didn't expect him to do that but accepted the kiss, it lasted for 5 minutes until they were disrupted by Logan's phone vibrating from someone calling him, once the younger finished the call, he smiled "my dad and brother will be gone early morning until the evening so we are lucky they won't find out". Keegan smiled "we'll keep this relationship a secret alright kiddo?" Logan nodded and smiled back before feeling his eyes get heavy, he was surprised he felt tired but he felt how warm Keegan was and it was probably because of that. Keegan had stripped off to his boxers and hugged Logan close, he had felt the younger Bury his head into his neck and he kept his head on top of Logan's, he enjoyed this moment and didn't want it to end after he falls asleep, he had kissed Logan's forehead before slowly falling asleep.

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