|| Alejandro X Rudy ||- Complications In Las Almas

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(this is a mpreg story so if you don't like it then don't read!)

All of 141 were on a mission in Las Almas, including Los vaqueros, they had been trying to look for any signs of their main enemy around apart from the guards. They all had split off solo into different areas of Las Almas in order to see any clues or possible things to locate where their main enemy was. The thing Rudy didn't tell anyone in 141 or even Alejandro was that he had been pregnant and could have the baby at anytime, luckily you couldn't see it as much from the front or the side. He didn't want to tell anyone since he felt like he would be judged by people around him  and thought they'd make him leave, he was hoping he could get on with the mission with no issues like right now and hoped they would come when they are back at the base. He knew alejandro wouldn't be far from him but he had to tell the truth the sooner or later to him, he managed to get to his mission location with no trouble at all. He was about 50 minutes into his mission finding small clues around the restaurant upstairs, when he managed to find something big which will help them all out, he felt a liquid go down his legs, making Rudy look down before a big amount of pain hit him.

He had slowly slid down, knowing he was in fact going into labour, he thought that the baby would have waited a little longer but he felt like they hated him and just wanted to come out. Just as he thought his situation couldn't get any worse, he heard some sort of guards come up the stairs, knowing he will have to shoot them whilst being in agony. He sighed before picking up his pistol he found opposite him, he knew he'd have enough ammo before he started to shoot at them. As they were going down 1 by 1, he felt the pain getting worse but he knew if he stopped shooting then he'd be shot dead and could cause death to the baby as well. He wished that he had 1 more person with him at this point, not caring about his current situation, he wished that this would've happened later on and not now, he was thinking on where everyone else was and how they were doing on their clues and evidence. He sighed as he felt it just getting worse by the minute, luckily after 16 guards, there was no sign of anymore but he kept it close just in case, as he was thinking of the others, he heard the others reporting back what they found but he had groaned in pain.

He heard alejandro's voice "Rudy, found anything?" he had waited for the agony to lower in pain so he could report back to them but it took a whole 2-3 minutes, he heard the worry and panic in alejandro's voice in the radio on him "Rudy!? How copy!? Are you OK!?" when he managed to report back, more guards had came up the stairs, he started shooting whilst sounding breathless due to the pain "there's a lot of evidence here...........and guards" "Rudy are you in pain?? Have you been shot!?" "yes I am in pain...........i can't move" "where are you!?" "the location I was sent to go in" "I'll be there as soon as possible OK?" "..........ok". He felt a sort of relief that alejandro was on the way but at the same time he was panicking, he was going to find rudy in this state, it had been 40 minutes and then he felt a sudden burning around his lower area. Rudy had a bad feeling as to what it was and decided to check with his hands, as he did, it was what the bad feeling was. The baby's head. He wondered on where alejandro was but then heard shooting on the downstairs, knowing it was him. He saw guards go down dead on the stairs then saw alejandro, making him relieved but also worried, this will be the moment of truth of whether alejandro would want the baby or not and also telling him it is his.

He saw the taller male run to him with a worried/panicked expression on his face, seeing Rudy in agony on the floor, alejandro then went on his knees, seeing if he was alright, dropping his weapon to his side "are you OK!? Where are you injured!?" then Rudy had went on all 4's in pain, knowing he couldn't speak a full sentence without feeling like screaming in pain. Alejandro had saw a weird thing from the back of Rudy's trousers as if it was bulging, he had moved the trousers and boxers to get the biggest shock in his life. It was a baby. "Rudy why didn't you tell me sooner about you being in pain!? Especially with a baby!" "I-I'm sorry alejandro" but Rudy didn't expect him to rub his back in circles then after 10 minutes, he felt a relief of no more pain in his body. The room was filled with a little baby's cry and alejandro had the baby in his arms whilst he got a pocket knife out to chop the chord off the baby, once that was done, the taller male had wrapped her in the fluffy jacket he had on previously.

After 5 minutes, she settled in alejandro's arms and went to sleep, Rudy had saw the two and smiled whilst he had covered up his area again after the chord was chopped off. Rudy had just sat on the floor in shock, he had just given birth to a baby. He had zoned out for a moment or two then he heard alejandro's voice as he gave her to Rudy, the smaller male had been relieved it was all over and saw her little face peaceful in her sleep. Alejandro found the evidence that the smaller male wanted to report back to them and told the others they had found the source to where they need to go next, alejandro knew Rudy couldn't go for obvious reasons. Once he had finished reporting back to 141, he had sat down next to Rudy as he saw the little baby girl make her own little sounds in her sleep and lightly moving around, it had made alejandro smile and then the question got to alejandro's head "who's the dad to your baby Rudy?" it took Rudy all his confidence then spoke "y-you are" then that is when alejandro turned around in shock "seriously? And you didn't tell me before?" "you were always busy and I couldn't find any time to tell you". Alejandro was slightly mad but Rudy had a point of him always being busy, "what do you plan on naming her?" "it might sound bad but I haven't chose............you can choose if you want" "hm.........what about Alicia?" "Alicia Vargas it is".

As they were making the most of quiet and bonding time with each other and the little baby girl, they got so distracted by her that they forgot 141 were coming. They both heard them being loud coming up the stairs, Rudy had saw her scrunch up her face as if she was about to cry and seconds later she started crying. They all had wondered where it was coming from until they saw the baby in Rudy's hands which he was trying to gently bounce to sleep after being disrupted, they were all confused about it until they heard alejandro speak "please be quiet, mine and Rudy's baby is sleeping" "since when was Rudy pregnant?" soap questioned "he must have hid it well" ghost's response made everyone agree. They had saw how cute she was and alejandro helped Rudy up from the floor before hearing price speak to everyone "we'll drop Rudy off with the baby first then we will carry on with the mission" they all agreed and they all started to head to the helicopter, alejandro had been helping Rudy who was struggling to walk whilst holding the little infant close. "I wonder if she'll want to be like her dads when she grows up" gaz spoke but then price replied "that is up to her in her future but she has not long been born so that will be a long time yet" Rudy was relieved everyone had accepted her including alejandro wanting to be her dad. He knew it all went well now and smiled as he entered the helicopter with them all, he knew the others will love her as she grows up.

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