|| Ghost X Soap || Alone Gone Wrong

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(mpreg chapter)

Requested by EL-SaTaNyearzero

Soap and Ghost had went different ways in Las Almas, they both didn't know where each other were but they managed to connect to each other through the comms. What Soap didn't know was that Ghost had been pregnant and could expect at any time, there was no one else close enough to help Ghost from 141 except Soap but he was quite a distance away from him also. "you alright L.T?" "yeah, just don't get caught by the shadows, I'm in the church that shouldn't be too far if you need me" "ok I'll try to get to your location as soon as possible but these shadows won't make it easy" it was all fine until 30 after they spoke. Ghost started to feel pain and forgot his mic was on so Soap could probably hear his pained groans, he hoped that the smaller male didn't hear it but he likely did.

Soap didn't question the sounds and carried on, finding ways to get to Ghost at the church, in Las Almas it was hard to find proper ways to the main street without there being hills, the guards didn't help either. "ah fuck" "L.T? You ok?" "I-I'm fine" "you don't sound fine, I'm trying to find a way to you" "I'm not I-injured eventhough it sounds like it" "what are you doing then to be making those sounds?" "I-I'll explain later but now I just need you here if you can g-get here". "is it that serious?" "just get your ass here Johnny" "fine".


It took Soap around 2 hours to get there but he didn't mean to take so long, there was so many shadows around to kill without getting caught by the other ones, he felt bad for not getting near the church sooner but he had let Ghost know about how far away he was. When he got to the church gates, through ghost's comms all he heard was a baby crying and then he realised why Ghost wanted him at the church so early. He was in labour with a baby. Soap felt awful that he wasn't there for him but he knew there was nothing he could do to be there earlier than now, he climbed the church gate and hopped over, luckily landing on both feet. He ran towards the entrance, checking to see if it is locked or not, luckily it was open so he entered and ran in panic to search for Ghost, he hoped no shadows came in the church otherwise its likely 141 have lost another member.

Soap had looked on the upstairs first and never found anything, as he ran down the stairs, he heard some sort of mumble before hearing a voice he instantly knew "Johnny!" he turned around and seen the two in the corner. The infant was peacefully asleep in Ghost's arms and the cord was cut, she had been wrapped up in the jacket Ghost had wore to keep her warm whilst she slept and whilst they waited until they got her clothes. "she's gorgeous Simon, what do you plan on naming her?" "I know it is basic but Sophia was the name I planned on" "pretty name for her, I like it" "sorry for not telling you about her sooner" "it's fi-" "it isn't, your the dad" that's when Soap had been speechless for a minute then spoke "it's fine, now it is just us 3 together" they made the most of the time together in silence whilst she slept and made her own little noises.

(A/N: sorry this took so long to release)

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