|| Keegan || - Single Father

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(this is a bit different to other one shots but I have had this one on my mind for a while, hope you enjoy anyways)

"I don't want her keegan"


"you heard me correctly, I don't want her..........you have her" "she's only a couple of hours old and you are saying this?" "so what? If she has you then she won't have a problem in life" "how can you abandon your own baby not long after having her? Have you even told your brother or Elias?" "No and it is best it stays that way otherwise my dad will get attached like you already have" "he should at least know he has a granddaughter" Keegan had sighed before seeing the little infant in the hospital crib, he had knew it would be hard to raise her alone but he didn't want her living in an adoption centre most of her life like he did. Keegan had felt his blood boil but became calm whilst he picked her up carefully into his arms, he had sensed this little infant was going to look the double of him when she starts to grow up. He luckily had all the baby stuff at his place, he had everything he needed unless he needed to get extras of anything he already has.

He knew the others might laugh at his choices of keeping her instead of putting her up for adoption but she was his everything now and loved her to death already, she had his black hair and predicted she might get his light blue eyes as well. After a few days, she was allowed to go home with Keegan, he had the choice of naming her since Logan completely left when he had the choice to, he decided on Katelyn Russ. When she had been fed bottles, she always liked to look up at keegan as if she was studying his face which he found cute, his predictions were correct on her eyes. He knew she would look like a female version of him that he raised and didn't mind that, knowing she was already beautiful. Keegan knew that David and Elias will find out eventually but for now, he decided to keep her away from her mother's family as long as possible, he had already been protective over the infant and will do for the rest of his life.

5 months had passed and she was growing up so quickly that Keegan thought it was going too quick but he had made the most of being able to carry her and having cuddles with her, he knew soon enough in a 3 years she would probably grow out of it and not want cuddles or kisses. He never had much affection to give to people so he gave it all to his daughter so she knows he will always love her, when she had tummy time once a day, she always used to try to turn over but it never ended up happening, didn't mean Katelyn wouldn't stop trying, she was quite stubborn like her dad so she didn't give up easy. Luckily she never lost her hair like most babies did, she just had a bush worth of black hair which Keegan made sure he brushed everyday without fail since he didn't want his daughter's hair to be all knotted or even matted. Keegan knew he would never let Logan back into his love life again after completely abandoning his own child with no cares, he always made sure Katelyn had gotten everything she needed as a baby and maybe more clothes than usual due to Keegan seeing an outfit then thinking she would look so cute in it so he bought more than he should but he loved her too much to not to.

Eventually all of the Ghosts found out that Keegan had a little daughter but what they didn't know is who the mother was, he kept that secret due to the fact he doesn't want drama starting up in the team. He had his parents look after her whilst he went on missions with them all but apart from that he had her attached to him like a monkey, luckily she never disturbed him when he was doing something major for work and she mainly was asleep if she didn't need anything. He had took her with him to a Ghosts meeting but she had went straight to sleep on Keegan's chest, she had her head on top of his chest and her whole body didn't even reach the top of his legs, she had been slightly smaller than normal but apart from that she was completely fine. Katelyn wasn't bothered at all by the paper sounds when they had been sorting paperwork out, making that a bonus for Keegan so he wouldn't have any trouble with her. He had managed to get it all in correct order before she dozed off to sleep, he had left it in correct order on the desk before making sure she was secure enough on him so she doesn't fall off, Keegan noticed Merrick looking with a small smile on his face at how cute Katelyn was sleeping peacefully.

"you finished organising this Keegan? " "yes" Elias had put it all together correctly before staring at the little girl on Keegan's chest, she had been making her own little sounds when she had moved in her sleep, with a slight bit of dribble coming from her mouth. She had been clinging onto Keegan whilst sleeping for comfort, it made Elias smile at how little trouble she caused Keegan and she just loved to be hugged by keegan, along with her loving her sleep. "how old is she?" "she's going to be 1 next month" "wow, they do grow up fast don't they?" "yeah, it felt like 5 minutes ago she was just born" "do you know her mom at all?" "I do but he doesn't want to be in katelyn's life but I don't want to say his name incase it leads to any unneeded drama". "do you want to tell me in private?" luckily Logan went to the toilet so he could tell them all but he knew Logan would kill him for it "don't tell logan but long story short Logan is the mom but he left me alone to raise her since he didn't want her" "you're telling me that I have a granddaughter that Logan had abandoned?" Keegan had nodded and he saw David in shock "I could have been an uncle but Logan left her with you to raise alone?" "pretty much". The whole room had been dead silent by the time logan came back in, making the younger male weirded out by the strange behaviour, after 10 minutes, Katelyn had started to cry which broke the silence "I'm so sorry I'll have to leave for a few minutes" "it's fine Keegan you can leave for the day since you are done with all your work" Keegan was kind of relieved for that and knew she was hungry by that certain cry so he had got out a premade bottle out and gave it to her which made her quiet.

He sighed before seeing Hesh leave the same room with a smile on his face "is it ok if I have a hold?" "it would be silly if I said no to her own uncle" Keegan had never seen a bigger smile on Hesh's face when he got to hold Katelyn. He took a photo and kept it for her memories book he made full of photos of her and the others except logan, she had looked like she was smiling in one of them which always made Keegan smile. He knew there was plenty more of them photos to come yet as she grows up but he was making the most of the baby phase before she becomes trouble as a toddler, when she was finished with the bottle, it was replaced with a pacifier which she happily took, slowly going to sleep "she's going to be the female version of you by her looks" "I thought that when I held her for the first time" "how could Logan not want this adorable princess?" "I don't know but I'm happy to raise her alone with some help from my parents". Soon enough, Elias walked out of the room to see Hesh holding Katelyn who was happy with her pacifier in her mouth, sleeping happily "can I have a quick hold?" Keegan had nodded before smiling to see how genuinely happy Elias was to have his first Grandchild in his arms. "she's so pretty" "dad I can't get my head around why Logan wouldn't want her?" "he won't understand how much love comes from hard work of parenting which Keegan will receive more of".

"I've asked Thomas several times to let us try for a baby but he keeps saying no" "it is a lot of hard work David" "yeah but I badly want one" "you'll get one some day I'm sure" Hesh sighs before seeing the peacefully asleep infant. Keegan knew it would be more hard work when she starts to talk due to her possibly hard questions to answer about her mom, he didn't know whether to answer honestly or just to make something up but he knew now he didn't have to worry but he left that for future worries and focused on the present where Elias and David had been loving Katelyn, Keegan had took some secret photos of them 3 together and kept it with the others that he might need to print off, he just knew Katelyn would have a loving uncle and grandad who would no doubt spoil her to death once she can start to speak and walk around.

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