Chapter 4

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Hyunjin's heavy boots sunk in the piles of snow again and again. In the dark of the night, it had gotten even colder and there was now a freezing wind that seeped under his thick clothes and threatened to turn his bones into ice. He could only hope that a blizzard wouldn't start before he would manage to get home.

He desperately tried to increase his steps as much as possible, regardless of how hard he found the task when the piled up snow had increased throughout the day. Just as he was nearing a bus stop that had been out of use for several weeks, Hyunjin heard something resembling the cry of a wounded animal that made him pause.

Looking to his left and right, he couldn't really see anything but houses, snow and the few streetlight lamps that illuminated his path.

'Just the wind then', he thought to himself before resuming his steps but just as he'd done so, a similar cry reached his ears once again, even if a bit quieter than the previous.

This time, Hyunjin whipped his head in the direction he was pretty sure he'd heard it coming from and despite his agonising need to reach the warmth of his home, he sharply turned to the left and walked towards that bus stop. The more he neared it, the more those sounds resembled less the ones of a wounded animal and more so...

'Felix??', Hyunjin gaped in shock as he was faced with the small trembling figure of Felix who was sitting down in the snow with his hands covering his face and his knees pulled tight to his chest.

The moment the fairy heard his call though, his head whipped towards Hyunjin and his glossy eyes widened even further than the elf's own.

'Hyunjin? What are you doing here?', Felix sniffled once as his gloved hands quickly tried to wipe the remaining tears on his flushed from the cold face. A shaky smile spread on the blonde's face before he added: 'I would've thought you'd gone back home by now, it's cold out here'.

Before he could even think about what he was doing, Hyunjin was stomping in the heavy snow towards Felix and kneeling beside him, feigning how wet his pants were getting.


'What am I doing here?? What are you doing sitting in the snow and-', he spoke in an agitated tone that he could barely control, his wild eyes that were aimed at Felix only later recognising the way the fairy had made himself smaller and looked down shamefully. With a slow exhale that created a cloud in front of his face, Hyunjin forced his body to relax.

'Are you okay?', he asked softly then and reached out a hesitant hand to place it over Felix's trembling shoulder.

'Yeah, I- sorry', the fairy bit his quivering lips and the worry in Hyunjin's chest only increased when he noticed that they had started to turn into a shade of blue.

'I can't imagine that someone with fairy blood would live in these freezing conditions'

As his mother's words rang clearly in his memory, Hyunjin realised that while, yes, he was freezing his ass off, he was still born prepared for such conditions. Felix, on the other hand, even if half elf, still had the blood of fairies that could only survive in the heat. Hyunjin didn't know how much of his elf side could withstand the temperatures in here but he was sure that standing outside for god knows how long while a blizzard was most definitely coming, was bordering on dangerous for Felix.

He'd never felt so stupid for complaining about the cold for the majority of his life.

'Let's get you somewhere warm, you can't stay here, a storm is coming and if you stay outside-', Hyunjin gulped but couldn't get rid of the tension in his throat still.

'Come on', he added instead and put his hands under Felix's armpits and lifted him with a small huff. The fairy was pliant in his hold and remained silent as Hyunjin tried to dust off some of the snow from Felix's clothes.

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