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The dining table bustled with chatter and laughs. Ishaan and Riya sat beside each other with Sahil and Naina infront of them. Dadi had stopped everyone from leaving before dinner and so, Sagar and Aditi had also come to the mansion after their grocery shopping. They all chatted about funny childhood stories, embarrassing each other further. Everyone seemed happy and unaware of the storm brewing in the elder woman's heart.

Her grandson was married? That to, to the woman he seems to hate the most? She loves Mahira like her own but then why would her eldest and the most responsible grandchild hide something this big? She hasn't informed anyone of the call she had gotten from Mahira's father. He was on his way with his wife. Just then the doorbell rang. Think of the devil.

Vimanthan Joshi was a tall man with salt and pepper hair. His wife Pakhi was in her early fifties. She was the embodiment of evil according to Riya and Ishaan. Both of them have seen Mahira hurt because of this woman and there is nothing that could make them like her. Not that they've ever tried to hide it. They've been straight up in her face, telling her what a bitch she is.

Every eye turned to the new guests. Aditi and Naina were confused as they're not aware who the people are. Sahil and Sagar narrow their eyes, while Riya was five seconds away from throwing a butter knife at their faces. Ishaan straight up growls in displeasure. They all get up from their chair and walk towards the living area.

"Hide guys. The grim reaper is here to snatch your souls as a compensation for her own rotten one." Sagar tries to hide his smile at Ishaan's words. Riya straight up snickers. Sahils keeps a blank face but his eyes are amused. Dadi glares at them all to quieten them down.

Pakhi glared at them but no one gives a damn about her, not even her husband who has realized the stuff she has put his daughter through. He cleared his throat as he approached the older woman. "Mrs. Kapoor, we have known each other for a very long time, Riya and Mahira have been best friends since they were kids and I've always respected you. I assume you know of my illness since it has been on every news channel for the last few days. I don't have much time to live and I just wanted to see my daughter settled and happy." Riya snorted, "yeah right. You've been doing a great job at that uncle."

Mr. Joshi sighed. He deserved that. "Mrs. Kapoor I told you of the call I got today. Everything that Ruhaan had said to me has shaken me up. This is a big deal and our kids have somehow prevented us of knowing anything about it. I want you to talk to Ruhaan. I will deal with Mahira myself."

"And how do you plan to do that?" Everyone turned to the door where Ruhaan stood beside Mahira. She looked lost and tired. He had both his hands in the pocket of his trousers ready to throw daggers if anyone even looks at Mahira the wrong way. Vimanthan glared at him. "She is my daughter and I'll talk to her myself."

"Well then Mr. Joshi, why don't you do it here? In front of us?" The Kapoor siblings and their partners were fairly confused. All this was not making any sense to them. But no one let them talk anyway. As Pakhi moved towards her stepdaughter.

"What the hell have you done, Mahira? I was right to tell your father that you would ruin his name. All of you called me names, but what do you think the world would think when they realize what you've done? Your father has a reputation to uphold. And you're just an irresponsible brat who loves to ruin it all. Your own mother would've been so disappointed in you!"

"PAKHI! Don't bring her mother into this. Mahira and her mother were close, don't ruin it."

"I can't ruin something like this Vimanthan. Do you realize what she has done has so many consequences. People will laugh at us. We will be made a joke out of. I pity the woman who gave birth to her. It's good she died before seeing thi-"

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