Twenty four

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                  One month later 

Aditi stood outside a bookstore where she saw her own one in display. She missed writing, but she had honestly been extremely busy with handling all the change around her. A new house always needs adjustments to be made into a home. And her home is wherever her husband is. And that is probably why when he wanted to move to New York, she packed everything up and came with him. 

No questions asked.

Her phone ringed and she took it out of her bag. Speak of the devil. "Yeah, Sagar?" 

"Where are you darling? You were supposed to be home almost an hour ago. It's a new place, did you get lost? Should I come pick you up? Just send me your location I'll come-"

"Calm down, Sagar. You don't need to come and I am not lost. I just got hung up a little and then I just stopped by at a bookstore. But don't worry, I am on my way now, I'll be there in ten." She hung up and moved towards the way to her new home. It's almost all arranged. It was a two bedroom apartment on the twenty third floor. 

Apartments are expensive in New York, and even though they could afford it, a two bedroom was more than enough for them. The house had glass instead of a wall in the living room which gave a beautiful view of the city. The living room also had a fireplace that was pretty much the main reason why they bought the apartment, she loved that house. 

And even though she would've loved it in Mumbai with the whole family around, it was her choice to come here with Sagar. He wanted it, more like needed it. Ishaan was right when he said that dadi was the home they all went back to. With her not there anymore, that place was plain brick and cement. 

She reached her apartment building where the doorman greeted her with a smile and she flashed one right back at him. It wasn't half as bad, moving into a completely different country, with no one of your knowing. She only knew Sagar and well, that seemed to have been enough. 

She used her key to unlock the door and walked in to a very sweet smell. Sagar was seated on the couch with his laptop. Other than Mumbai, the Kapoor publication company was well known in New York. That was why they moved here, starting up the company in a completely new place from scratch would've been alot of work. 

He looked up from his laptop and heaved a sigh after finally looking at her. "I am sorry for worrying you but I just lost track of time. I am fine." She went closer to him after putting all the bags she was carrying on the center table. He kept his laptop away and pulled her down on his lap. 

"It's fine. I just panicked. Probably because it's a new place and your road sense is awful." Aditi gasped dramatically. "Hey! My road sense is fine. Just because it isn't as good as yours doesn't mean it's terrible." Sagar smiled, running a hand over her back. Aditi looked around the room, she could still smell that sweet aroma. 

"Did you cook something?" 

"No. I baked something. I thought while my wife is out, shopping for groceries, I should bake her some cupcakes. How did the shopping go, by the way?" 

"Terrible, you can't even bargain here. And everything is so fucking expensive. So to say, we are eating potatoes for the rest of our time." Sagar chuckled. "I won't complain, they're like the best ever vegetable to exist." 

"Right?" Aditi got up from his lap and went towards the kitchen. She took the cupcakes out of the oven and left them on the counter to cool down. "I've ordered pizza for dinner. It would be here soon." She nodded at him and tasted the frosting he pulled out of the fridge. "That's delicious. Where did you learn how how to make it?" She was moving around the kitchen, tidying the space up when he replied. "Dadi taught me." 

She stopped her movements and turned to look at him. He had closed himself again. For some reason he doesn't grieve.  A reason she doesn't know but she knows that it's unhealthy. He did not cry after the day of her funeral. None of them did. She walked closer to him and cupped his face. "You know Sagar, it's okay to miss someone. She was the parent you had and no matter how much we want them to live with us forever, this is how life works. So if you want to cry about losing her then do it. It's okay to grieve. It's important to grieve." He nodded and looked looked into her eyes.

"Do you miss your parents?" She swallowed.

"Sometimes." She whispered. "But then I remember everything they put me through and I realize that I am better of without them. I am happy because I am with you." Sagar smiled. He called her darling for a reason. Because she was exactly that. 

He walked towards the living room and came back with a brown paper bag. "I got you something." She took the bag from his hand and pulled out a hardcover book. It was plain black with no name or author. She opened it to find the first page blank. The book had no name. 

"What is this?" Sagar smiled lightly at her question.

"It's us. Remember how you often found me with a laptop which I used to shut as soon as you were close?" She hummed for him to go on. "I was writing this. It's from the day I first met you till the day we moved here. It's everything I've felt and everything I haven't, from all I wanted to what all I got by being with you. It's you and it's us, through my eyes." She breathed out a shaky breath and looked at the book. It definitely had around 400 pages and it was just the very beginning of them. 

He wiped the tear that unknowingly fell out of her eye. "I didn't name it, because I couldn't. I didn't know what to. I am not half the writer that you are but I tried darling. Besides its not like someone else will read it. It's just for you. And, happy birthday Aditi." She sobbed lightly. No wonder she fell for him. He is the most kind and compassionate man she has ever met. And he is all hers. 

"Thank you. Thank you so much for everything. Especially for being in my life and loving me the way you do. You're the wish that I used to make on every birthday." 

"I love you too." He fed her a muffin and she laughed. "And that would make a great name for the book. Birthday wish." Aditi rolled her eyes at him. The bell rang and Sagar went to get the pizza from the delivery guy. He thanked the man, tipped him, locked the door and came inside. Aditi turned to him suddenly with a determined face. "I know what to name the book." 

"Oh really? What darling?"




What did you guys think of the chapter? Do let me know.

I know the chapter was really short but I tried to make it as wholesome as I could. And these are like the extended epilogues.

Hope you liked it!

See ya🦋

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