Ch.1 - A Complicated Front

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"This could turn into a real shit show real fucking quick." I complain, lying on my bed with a pillow over my head.

"Quit your bawling, you little sissy." Snow insults. "What're you so worried about?"

I sat up from the bed and stared at Snow, leaning on the wall opposite me. Some time had passed since we rescued Kimiko and saw A-Train having his heart attack. I wasn't the type to lose my nerve in situations like this. If I were doing this alone, you would hear me speak a different tune.

"A-Train is a fool, Gerald. Even if he did put two and two together, he wouldn't be able to prove it." Snow continues.

"Who says you need evidence to spark a possible conspiracy?" I say to her. "Just saying I'm Harbinger could bring trouble to our doorstep."

"Can you please stop being such a damn wuss? You make me cringe when you're like this." She insults me again.

"Very funny."

I stand up from the bed and exit my room as I head to the Hub. Who would've expected I would spend a night in the place that once served as a contracts hub for Mercenaries? It was honestly just Snow and me here. The others deemed it too small and headed to a place Frenchie knew was safe enough to lie low.

"It's not A-Train I'm worried about, honestly." I continue our conversation.

"Its Homelander." She correctly guesses.

"You're right. A-Train is a fool. But Homelander--"

"He would have to tear this city apart to find us."

"We need a backup plan in case there's a chance of that happening. Another place to serve as our headquarters. The places I know aren't big enough for a group this size." I explain.

"I'll talk with Mat when he comes back and see if we could use a hidden garden."

"Hidden garden?" I ask curiously. "What is that?

"Even Mother Nature has secrets." She answers.

I chuckled lightly as I leaned on the wall with my arms folded. I then sighed with a sorrowful tone.

"How's Isabella?" I ask.

"She'll be fine. As long as she's with the Lady, Naenia won't dare go near her." Snow eases my fears.

I slowly nod my head. "Good. Her being in danger is the last thing we need right now. And Naenia herself?"

"We lost track of her movements. She could be anywhere." She explains.

"You said she wasn't like that when we met her. What was she like exactly?"

"You mean before she turned?" She sighs as she leans on the wall. "She always carried this. . . aura of grace with her wherever she went. She showed great care and trust for pretty much everyone she met."

"Doesn't sound like the kind of person you would make into a Harbinger, don't you think?" I say.

"She's not a goody-two-shoes if that's what you're getting at." She corrects me. "She was as dangerous as every other Harbinger. She doesn't use her powers as often as we do."

"Rather than punish them, she likes to give them a chance, huh?" I assume.

". . .Yeah. . ." She answers as she lowers her head.

"You answer as if you knew her."

"She had an extensive social circle. Even lone wolves like me got roped into it. Many of us developed a friendship with her. I never knew my friendship with her would even exist. . . Yet the seed was planted and flourished greater than I expected it to. A lot of us were hurt when she turned. Seeing her in that condition. . . ."

The Boys: Season 2 - Exiled in ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now