Chapter 8: In Darkness, Comes To Light

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As I walked down the bustling streets, my mind was filled with worry. I never anticipated that the situation with the Boys would become so complex. From the start, I knew it wouldn't be easy - leaving my team to take down Vought, fighting on two fronts. Despite this, I chose to see it through. Balancing two lives brought with it some dangerous consequences. Vought had already identified me as someone who was helping the Boys, but they had not yet linked me with my secret identity. This was a very dangerous game I was playing, but what's life without taking a few risks for the greater good?

I lifted my gaze and noticed Annie embracing another woman as if bidding farewell. I maintained a safe distance as the woman departed in her vehicle. It was apparent that I had missed a great deal during my absence, and it was clear that they had gone through challenging times since my departure.

After the car disappeared from sight, I approached Annie. She greeted me with a gentle smile and quietly said, "Hey.".

I inquired about her well-being, noticing the exhaustion present in her eyes. "How're you doing?"

"I am not doing great," she replied. "I didn't expect you to return so soon."

"After seeing a bunch of bureaucrats getting their heads blown to pieces on live television? Course I'd come back." I told her. "Just didn't think it would be for that particular reason."

I followed her to the safe house where I saw Butcher and his companions equipped with weapons and other gadgets. It was clear that they were planning to take the fight directly to Vought. I observed from a distance as they carried on with their plans, not paying any attention to me.

The safe house has remained unchanged since my departure. The air still carries a scent of dry blood mixed with black powder and medicine. I cannot say I miss this place. I observed Butcher, M.M., and the others hastily preparing their weapons. While I understand their motivations, their actions felt rash and rushed.

"What's going on?" Annie asked in confusion.

"They've lost their minds." Hughie answered.

"The RPG releases an electromagnetic pulse on impact." Frenchie explains his creation. "Should cut through Stormfront's plasma bolts."

"How sure are you?" M.M. questions.

"It's a guesstimate."

I stood near the stairs with my arms crossed, observing the chaotic scene before me. It was clear that the individuals involved had completely lost their sanity. However, as someone who is currently battling the most dangerous criminal organization in the world, I understand the desire to take risks. Despite this, it would be an incredibly reckless move to try and fight an army of Supes. Nevertheless, it seemed that these individuals were determined to attempt it anyway.

As they chatted, I found myself lost in my own thoughts. Lately, I've been pondering the possibility of Stormfront being Liberty if Ms. Hunter's theory is correct. It's baffling to think about how Vought concealed her identity for so long. Moreover, if Stormfront isn't immortal, how has she stayed youthful all these years? The mere thought of it is enough to send my head spinning.

"Gerald." I hear a voice.

I am startled awake by Annie's gaze. "You coming?" She tells me as she goes up the stairs.

I must've dozed off longer than I thought. "Where're we going?" I ask in a curious tone.

"To find us another witness."

I decided to join Annie and Hughie in their search for a solution to their problem, leaving Butcher and the rest behind. It occurred to me that if the Forgotten could make it this far without causing any unnecessary bloodshed, then perhaps the Boys could still find a way to solve the Vought problem without any further loss of life. Discovering a solution that can truly satisfy Butcher's intense hatred for Supes will undoubtedly prove to be a significant challenge.

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