Chapter 4: Liberty

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Butcher hasn't said a word to me since it came to light that I was with powers. It might've stung him even more if he were to find out that the others already knew before he did. I suppose he's got a lot of things going on in his head. We all have. Lately, me included.

I still see the body of Kimiko's brother pop in my head now and then. That was something I wish I didn't see. Twice now, I almost lost my composure due to the 'heroes' of Vought doing the things they do. If I don't keep my cool, I'll end up . . . maybe I shouldn't think about what I'll do.

I sat in my. . . what you would call a 'thinking chair' to contemplate today's and yesterday's situations and events. I sat there for a good while now in a thinker's pose, my chin resting on my knuckles, my back hunched over. I thought about one of Vought's newest 'heroes' called Stormfront. Despite her popularity in real life and on the net, she was like Homelander, a complete mystery.

It was as if. . . a fog hid her true nature. Hidden so well that only she and select people know who she is. Whenever I think of that name, I think of the body of Kimiko's brother, Kenji, lying on the ground. I only recently learned of his name on the news. It took a lot of willpower to keep my anger in check after seeing what she had done.

I soon felt a familiar sense of dread in the atmosphere. I slowly stood up, checking my surroundings for the Harbinger stalking me, but I saw no one.

"I know you're there." I say quietly. "Stop playing these games and show yourself."

The dread soon disappeared, leaving me with more questions. I became a little frustrated being in the shadow of whatever Naenia was planning. Being in the dark like this didn't really suit my fancy.

(Sometime Later. . .)

"Are you fucking insane?" M.M. questions Hughie. "She can't come with us, Hughie. She's chipped."

I was sitting in the back of the car. Apparently, Hughie thought bringing Annie, Starlight, to her 'fans' with us was a good idea to find out who Liberty was. Butcher gave us this task before he left. I wasn't bothered by her coming with us at all. But M.M., on the other hand.

"No. Even her standing here is dangerous." He denies it again.

"Maybe he's right. I. . . This is a bad idea." Anne agrees.

Hughie looked at me, but I could do nothing. M.M. was in charge of the group while Butcher was gone, and what he said goes. But Hughie was a stubborn one.

"If we're gonna go knock on some Supe's door, don't you think it makes a little bit of sense for us to have one of our own?" Hughie points out.

"Hughie, we already got one Supe in the car. That's more than enough." M.M., shutting down Hughie.

Hughie leans on the window. "Look, she's in rough shape. She needs this." He quietly begs.

"M.M. looked at him. "You mean you need this?"

We could see through him like looking through an open window. Hughie had nothing to say to defend himself. All I did was smile as I looked out the window.

The ride was quiet and awkward as Anne sat in front while Hughie and I sat in the back. Well, it was more awkward for the odd couple, rather than me and M.M., in my personal opinion.

"Does anyone mind if I put on some music?" Annie asks us.

I just shook my head and looked out the window. As she turns on the radio, a rather infamous song sung by her plays.

"Oh, God." She reacts negatively.

I couldn't help but smile fully when I heard her reaction. I admit it; she's an excellent singer. I'm surprised she didn't make a career out of it. She would've made a serious killing.

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