Final Chapter: Gone, But Never Forgotten

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Perched atop a bench in the heart of Central Park, I found myself enveloped in a soothing sense of serenity. The warmth of the sun's rays caressed my skin while the gentle breeze rustled through the trees, creating a peaceful melody. The sweet chirping of birds added to the symphony of tranquility, bringing a moment of reprieve amidst the chaos that had ensued. With Homelander now under control and the Boys exonerated of all charges, this breather was much-needed and well-deserved.

I heard a familiar voice say, "There you are."

As I glance up, Elena joins me and greets me with a warm smile and a sparkle in her eyes. "How did you know I would be here?" I inquire curiously.

"Gera dropped me a hint this was one of your go-to places for when you need a little me-time."

After Gera's betrayal, I let out a heavy sigh and chuckled. Shaking my head in disbelief, I made a mental note to be more cautious about who I trust during my future personal trips.

"I suppose it's over?" She questions.

"It is, For now." I answered. The question that was truly concerning me was, 'But for how much longer?'

She sensed my uneasiness, and I felt her touch my arm as she looked at me with concern. "You sound uncertain."

"Is it really that obvious?" I glance up at the sky, noticing the clouds moving aimlessly with the wind.

I let out a heavy sigh at all the things that happened over the last couple of days. "I guess you could say things would go back to normal for now."

"You don't believe that, do you?" She says to me.

"Not in the slightest. Too much has happened for things to simply return to where they were." I told her. "Only a matter of time before things heat up again in Vought. The question is 'how long can the peace last?'"

My phone suddenly rung, when I saw the name, I was quick to answer it and responded with a welcoming tone. "Hughie."

"Hey, how's it going?" He asks.

"Just sitting in the park, contemplating over things. How're things on your end?"

"Pretty great, actually. I'm calling for a favor."

"Oh?" I said with interest.

"So, uh, I'm joining this bureau that keeps tabs on Supes and I was wondering if I could call you from time to time to help with things if they, uh, go wrong. I-I know you're busy with your own fight, but, it'll make me feel better if I had someone on the line I could depend on."

I was silent as I considered his offer. It was good knowing Hughie decided to stand on his own two feet for once. Even with Homelander under control, I had doubts Vought would remain quiet for long. A smile slowly appeared on my face as Elena only nodded her head in approval.

I gave him my answer. "Consider me interested."

"Great!" Hughie exclaimed with excitement. "So, will it be just you or--"

"It depends on the situation at hand. But, yeah. It'll be mostly just me."

"Thank, man. You really don't know how much this means to me. So, I guess you'll be fighting your own war in the meantime?" He asks me.

"Always." I said eagerly.

You know, I sometimes wish there were more Supes out there more like you.

A man can only dream for so long. I told him. Keep your hopes up, Im sure theres someone out there who really wants to be a hero.

I will. Thanks, again."

I hang up and see Elena with a huge smile on her face. "You never really were going to say no, weren't you?"

"Last I checked, I'm still in this fight. And since Hughie intends to do this the right way, maybe I won't be the only one from our group helping him."

"You sure that's a good idea?" She asked me with concern.

"I'll talk with the others about it when the moment shows itself." I said to her. "For now it'll just be me."

I stood up from being perched on the bench to stretch out. I breath in and let out an eager sigh to get back at it with my own war. I give one final glance at the sky and the clouds. Aside from me, the Harbingers, Starlight, Darkbloom and his little posse. Are there really Supes out there in Vought who really want to make a difference? Those who aren't there just for the fame and the money. It was an enticing thought, but the chances are pretty low from experience. Maybe I should follow my own words and keep my hopes high.

When I take my glance off the sky and back at Elena, I find our right beside me with her arm around me. "Ready to get back to it?"

I only smiled. My answer was pretty obvious at this point as I put my own arm around her and we walk out of the park. I'm not so sure how long this peace will last. But one thing is for certain; When it comes to Vought, nothing stays quiet for long.

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