Chapter 9: Secrets Best Left Buried

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Upon our arrival at the safe house, we promptly shared the data we had gathered from A-Train with the rest of the team. Their expressions mirrored our astonishment as they perused the folder's contents. It was clear that they, too, had been caught off guard by the information we had uncovered.

I turned to see Butcher returning, hearing his footsteps on the stairs. Becca was the opposite of Butcher; she was kind and cared deeply for her wayward son. When she told us Homelander and Stormfront took him, I knew I had to help her. As soon as I felt her emotions, I was moved by her heart. She was afraid for her son and genuinely worried about her husband, Butcher, whom she loved deeply.

Butcher was impressed with the contents of the folder. He said we had hit the jackpot and congratulated us. He then placed the folder on the table and looked at us with conviction. I merely crossed my arms as he spoke to us.

"All right, listen up, you lot. Getting the kid back, it ain't your fight, and I ain't asking you to come along." He spoke.

I tilted my head in dismay at his words. Did he really expect us to say no to a situation like this? I was surprised, astonished, really, that he thought he was going to don the responsibility on his own and leave us on the sidelines.

"Lick my big black balls, Butcher," M.M. said in declination. "Sorry, Becca. You done asked us to lie, spy, and do all kinds of fucked up shit for you. Now we finally got a chance to do something good, and you think we're gonna take a pass on that?"

Hughie was quick to agree. "We're in." Frenchie grabbed onto the shoulder of his comrade as he made a statement on the matter. "Of course, we're in." He said excitedly.

When Butcher fixed his gaze on me next, I simply handed out my hand to him with a smile on my face. "How can I say no to a friend in need?"

He firmly grasped my hand, and there was a sparkle in his eyes that usually donned the eyes of a madman. All I saw in those eyes at that moment was a man who was willing to do something good for once that wasn't selfish or downright diabolical. He gave me a half-smile in return. "All right." He said. "Let's get a shift on."

We all readied ourselves for a fight as Hughie and Annie worked on uploading the incriminating evidence on Stormfront to the net for a news anchor to discover. I sat in the chair as I looked at my mask. Despite the fact that Vought already knew who I was, I still found solace in wearing this thing.

There was a sudden vibration in my pocket. I pull out my phone to see a message left by Elena. 'Syndicate is pissed.' It read. There was a link attached to the message that led to a video I would have to look at later. Judging by the message she left me, Seraphim is not happy with what we did. I only smiled in satisfaction that the leader was not as invincible as he thought he was. I quickly put my phone away when I saw that the others were ready to go. I left the mask on the table before I left. It had served its purpose as best it could.

I sat in the back of the car with Hughie. If I could describe in one word what I was feeling, it would be 'vigilant'. I knew I was being watched from the shadows. And I knew who was watching.

"Holy shit. It just broke out." Hughie exclaims in excitement.

He showed the others the video as I watched it on my own phone. "Stunning news coming out of the Vought Tower in New York City, concerning Stormfront and alleged Nazi ties. Stormfront may be 100 years old. What's even more incredible, we have authenticated photos showing Stormfront with Nazi High Command, including Goebbels and Goring. Based on the photos, it is now believed she was the wife of Frederick Vought, who was, of course, the founder of Vought International. Already, an international outcry has emerged, under..."

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