Chapter 7: Casted by Flames

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"This is completely insane." Elena states.

"I think I speak for everyone here when I say this." Wilhelm says. "NOBODY saw that coming."

The meeting was called in the command room several minutes after the incident during the live coverage of Vought's hearing. I leaned on the wall with my head lowered as the others discussed the event. I was contemplating in complete silence, still taking it all in.

"Is Vought even capable of having a Supe that can make people's heads explode?" Gera asks the group.

"I don't even know what to think right now." Ron answers. "Jesus Christ, I can still see it replaying in my fucking head.

Elena walked up to me as I was still basking in silence on what had just happened. She slowly placed her hand on my shoulder, making me jump and knocking me out of the clouds.

"Gerald?" She asks out of concern.

I remained silent for a moment before nodding my head with a smile. "I'm all right. Just still processing the info in my head."

I joined them, and I was sure they were all wondering about my take on it since I was the only one out of the Forgotten who was helping the Boys in their war against Vought. I have to be honest, I didn't know what to think at that moment. Just like them, I was caught off guard. This was a really complicated puzzle to put together. Probably the toughest one I ever attempted, to be honest.

"Alan." I call him.

Alan was still sitting on the couch, chewing on his fingernails. I think out of all of us, seeing that affected him the most. I could sense he wasn't traumatized. Just scared.

"Alan." I call his name loudly.

"Y-Yeah." He finally answers.

"It's all right." I consoled him. "You're not in danger. None of you are. You have my word."

"I-I know. It's not that that concerns me."

"Speak your mind, then." I encouraged him.

Alan slowly stood up and joined us. He took in a breath and sighed before speaking.

"Okay. I never told you guys this, but I was a fanatic before I became aware of what Vought and its Supes really were. A nerd, typically. I had. . . books, movies, action figures. I made it my passion to know about all Supes, past and present."

I could tell he needed a moment as he lowered his head. I knew at that moment it was his first time seeing someone die such a gruesome death on live television. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me, and I could see the fear in his eyes, feel it in his heart.

"It's alright." I comforted him. "We're here for you."

He shook his head, and I could sense the fear slowly fading away until only a small fragment of it remained.

"But." He continues. "After seeing what I saw. No Supe that I'm aware of possessed that kind of power. Ever."

"Wait." Gera starts. "You're saying that--"

"It couldn't have been Vought." Alan proclaims his theory. "It's just not possible."

"An interesting theory." Wilhelm tells him. "Vought is a bunch of greedy corporate bastards, and they'll do just about anything to keep the dough running in."

"I have to agree with him." I supported. "You saw how Homelander and the others reacted to what was happening. They were just as confused as we are right now."

"But. . . if it wasn't Vought. Who could it be?" Elena asks in confusion.

"Raynor." I say.

"(Who?)" Johnathon signs me.

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