Chapter 3: Into the Light

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We searched the city, trying to pick up the trail of Kimiko and her brother. They could be anywhere, right under our noses for all we know. As we drove up one street, I quickly spotted Kimiko holding onto her brother.

"Over there!" I yelled out.

We quickly stopped, and I jumped out and rushed to her side. Butcher stepped out, rifle pointed at her brother, only to realize he was unconscious.

"Are you all right?" Frenchie asks her.

She remains silent as she holds on to the family she has left. I put my hand on her shoulder, and she looks at me as I nod my head, letting her know everything is all right.

"Well, cheers, love." Butcher starts. "At least someone's got some sense around here."

She looks at him with fury in her eyes, making his smile disappear from his face. We were quick to put her brother in the van and put duct tape around his hands to keep him from using his abilities when he awoke. Kimiko was the first in the van, worryingly watching over her brother as the rest, except for Hughie and me, got inside.

I closed the door and noticed that Butcher was looking at Hughie with an unusual look on his face.

I quickly intercepted the punch meant for Hughie and stared down Butcher. "Settle your differences later."

I let go of his fist as he looked at Hughie. "You come between me and my missus again, I'll fucking kill you." He threatens.

He gets in the van, and Hughie gives me a nod as a thank you. I nodded back in return as we both got inside and drove off before the authorities arrived.

(Two days until the attack on the Market.)

I was out on the deck, looking out to the sea, staring at the horizon. Kimiko's brother was secured in a room. We were sure to tie his hands to nullify his ability to use his powers. I couldn't help but indulge in some good memories as I leaned on the rail. I look to my left to see Kimiko leaning on the railing with me. There was a certain. . . peace in her eyes, knowing her brother was safe and sound.

"It's been. . . years since I was out at sea." I spoke. "The last time I smelled the salty air was with my dad. God rest his soul. As a child, whenever I did good in school or did all of my chores, he would always take me on these little 'adventures' as a reward, whether it was fishing, hiking, or going to an aquarium. He always tried to ensure we didn't repeat what we did together."

I lower my head in sorrow. "He's gone now. Died of old age. Not a day goes by that I don't miss him."

I look onto the horizon where the sky and sea meet. "Never thought being out here would bring those memories rushing back to me."

I lean off the rail to turn my attention to Kimiko. "You should go check on him. At least make sure he knows no harm will come to him."

She lowers her head momentarily before nodding and leaving me alone once more. I lean back on the rail to think about the Forgotten and our plan.

I was then hit with a cold shiver. I was being watched. I could see a figure from the corner of my eye, make out the clothing it was wearing, and see the faint red glow of its eyes.

I quickly turn to face it, only for it to disappear as quickly as it appeared.

I looked around with caution before taking a moment to calm down. Those clothing, that feeling, it all reminded me of one name:


Mat and the others weren't kidding when they said I attracted her attention. I can only hope Mat gets back quickly before she makes a move.

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