Chapter 2 - Butcher's Return

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Even with taking on a fiend like Homelander, Butcher is downright too stubborn to die. I was somewhat surprised he called me through Hughie's phone like that. I teleported to a secluded spot close to their hideout and walked my way there.

Unlike the others, I was least in danger of the Seven and federals, who were hunting them down like mangy dogs with rabies. The federals were worrying enough, but having Supes coming after you, makes hiding all the more difficult. But New York is a big city. It'll even take the Supes a little while to know where you are.

I was walking by a T.V. shop when I saw the news of the federals launching a massive manhunt for Butcher, whom they believed murdered Madelyn Stillwell, the vice president of Vought. It wouldn't surprise me that Butcher would hurt/kill anyone for getting in the way of his vendetta against people like me.

But I couldn't help but believe that harming Madelyn wasn't his intention. Homelander is his target. Why would he hurt her, of all people?

"This is getting out of hand." I think to myself.

I enter the store, and the man that keeps watch buzzes me through. I could sense his hesitation and reluctance as I walked by him, his face may be stern and cold, but his emotions don't lie.

As I walk down the stairs, I see Butcher and Hughie looking at each other with malice and mistrust. "Am I interrupting something?"

They both turn their attention to me as I descend the stairs.

"Well, look who decided to grace us with his return." Butcher, with a half-smile on his face.

"Well, to be honest, I wasn't expecting you to call me through Hughie's phone, so we're both full of surprises." I say to him.

He looks at me with a full smile before returning to the business at hand. "I'm gone to go see a contact to find a terrorist cunt that's on the loose." He explains.

I narrow my eyes. "A terrorist." I say sarcastically.

"Ohhh, but not just any terrorist."

I remained silent as I contemplated what he meant by that. That was when I realized it.

"A Supe terrorist." I conclude.

"Even more dangerous than the Syndicate." He continues.

"And you think this contact of yours can point you in the right direction?"

"Well, here's hopin'. Be back in a jiffy."

With that, said, he leaves the safe house. A terrorist Supe. That's another thing on my list of things to worry about. "Wonderful." Was all I could muster after a moment of silence.

"He, uhh--" Hughie attempts to explain.

"No need." I interrupt him. "It's pretty obvious he wants me back in this."

"Why didn't you just say no?" He asks me.

"Honestly? Because I want to hurt Vought as much as the Black Council."


"All he knows is my name. Trust me; I did a thorough job of hiding my tracks."

I take a look a Hughie. There were subtle bags under his eyes, his face was a little more wrinkled than usual, and I detected that sense of mistrust in Butcher.

"You've seen better days."

"Yeah. . . You could say that." He says with a weak smile.

"Care to catch me up on what's happened since I left?"

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