Chapter 6: Battle for the Market

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I stood on the rooftop and overlooked New York. Thought I might as well get one last look at this city before we leave. Never could get tired of this ambiance of people carrying on with their personal lives.

I could sense Snow behind me and heard her approach to my left. She crossed her arms and let out a sigh as she overlooked the city with me.

"You miss home?" I asked her.

"Sometimes." She answered.

"I meant the one before you--"

"I know what you meant." She cuts me off. "Not every day goes by that I don't think about it."

She was quiet once more and lowered her head before pulling out her own mask. She then put it on and slowly pulled over her hood.

"I can remember it like it happened yesterday. . ." She spoke with sorrow. "We would always play in the snow and try to catch snowflakes with our hands."

"You said you were trying to find your sister--"

"Despite the fact that she's been dead for centuries?" She sighed. "Before she died, she gave me something, a replica of a snowflake, to remind me of the times we spent together. A way to remember her. I buried it on the outskirts of our village, on the hills we would always play on when it snowed. I thought that--"

"By burying it, you would seal your past." I interrupted.

"But Andras, that son of a bitch has a knack for artifacts, and his scum managed to find it. To him, it's nothing more than a priceless trophy. When I get my hands around his neck. . ."

Her anger was steadily building as she spoke. I believe this is the first time she's told someone any of this. Yet, I'm curious why she chose me of all people.

"A promise is a promise." I console her.

Her anger slowly faded away as she calmed down. "Thank you." She said to me. "The others are ready, come back, and we'll move to the first phase."

She then disappears in white smoke. It wasn't like Snow at all to tell people of her past. Especially to newborns. I wonder what made her change her mind.

I teleported back to the base and saw that everyone was ready to go.

"Gerald, take a radio." Ruby says to me.

There were several radios on the table for us Harbingers to use. I was quick to grab one as the others took theirs.

"Alan and I will stay behind and collaborate our movements here." Tecka states. "I've already hacked the cameras and am ready to go on my end."

"Good. Ron, Darkbloom, Joseph. You and several others are with me. Harbingers, pick out your teams. The first phase of this operation is to take out those ports. My team will take out the one Snow and Alistair found, and where the trucks are located." I explained.

They all nodded their heads and quickly picked out their teams.

"First phase is a go!" Ruby proclaims.

"Let's get this party started!!" Wilhelm, almost bursting with excitement.

I teleported my team of 30 close to the entrance of the port where the trucks would go in. I headed inside alone to gain an insight into what we were dealing with. I entered the shadows and could see a ship about to dock. Looks like the bastards have another shipment of 'product' coming in.

We outnumbered the guards here 5 to 1, but they were heavily armed and were wearing armor. Typical for a business as valuable as this.

"Right on time." I thought to myself.

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