Chapter - 5

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There is a small dream mature sequence towards the end between the **** just letting you know!

Next chapter - The return to Istanbul. How are we doing so far? 


"I don't understand Selin, why aren't you at ArtLife? Who is managing the PR for ArtLife and the holding?" asked Serkan.

"My replacement is a woman named Balca Kojak, you hired her when I gave my notice, she is capable. Not as good as me, but capable."

"I still don't understand, why did you leave?"

Selin bit her tongue so hard that her eyes watered, she needed Serkan to see her with tears in her eyes. Selin had perfected this trick years ago. "It was because of Eda, the woman in your fake engagement. She made my life miserable at ArtLife, I couldn't take it anymore so I left."

Serkan didn't understand any of this, his mother described Eda as an angel yet Selin was describing her as the devil. The woman in his dream looked like a fairy, a joyful fairy. The descriptions didn't match.

"Since I don't know this Eda person how about you explain this to me?"

This was the opportunity that Selin had been waiting for, "Eda is a very clever girl. When you made the contract with her to be fake engaged you opened up a whole new lifestyle to her. Before she met you she was a florist, she lived with her aunt, they ran a flower shop and were barely scraping by. Your contract exposed her to our lifestyle and she wanted it for herself. She wanted the things that your money could buy."

"How did I ever meet a florist and become engaged, let alone fake engaged to a florist?"

"She went with some friends of hers to an event at the University that you were speaking at, you met there. As I said Serkan, she is a very clever girl, before long she had you doing things that you would never do. She is beautiful and I think that you were enticed by that, but she is manipulative and you didn't see how cruel she could be towards others."

A knock sounded on the door, the nurse had come to take vitals again, "Mr. Bolat, you scheduled a haircut? Are you planning on going still?"

Serkan was still thinking about what Selin had told him, Eda was manipulative? Had his anne been manipulated by her? Hardly. His anne was usually the one doing the manipulating and if his memory served him correctly it was usually with Selin by her side. Eda was a florist? Is that why she smelled like flowers or was it her perfume? He would ask anne what she did for a living.

"Yes, I still wanted that service. Selin, if you'll excuse me?"

"Certainly, I can come back after lunch. We can discuss your discharge plans then."

"Yes, that would be good. I'll see you then." Serkan followed the nurse out before Selin could try to give him a hug.

Selin followed Serkan out the door of his room. She thought that this morning went well. She could see that Serkan was distressed by the thought that he had been manipulated. She covered her tiny slip introducing herself as his fiancé well. Oh, she would still be his fiancé, she knew she could manage it. He was determined to go back to Istanbul, she could work with that too. Ousting Balca would be no problem, Serkan could fire her and Selin would just resume her rightful place. Eda would regret ever messing with her.

With a fresh shave and his hair cut Serkan felt a bit more human. Returning to the room he saw that his purchases had been delivered so he took a shower and dressed in things that were familiar to him. Definitely more human. Time to call his anne again.

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