Come visit soon

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22 years old, living alone, no neighbours, no friends, well that's a lie, I have plenty of friends but ever since I moved to London and left them behind I have never really contacted them.

The house next door to me is for sale, there was a old couple that lived there before they were actually really sweet but then they did what all old people do sooner or later, it was a big shame because I was getting very fond of them.

But now that house is up for sale and it's been like that for almost a year now. So I get very lonely.

My job is a florist I work 5 times a week, 8am to 4pm I enjoy my job because it is very peaceful and the flowers really add to the scene, and every now and then I get out my sketch pad and I draw a couple of my favourite flowers but thats only on the quite days when I don't get many customers.

My boss is a kind woman but she is very busy with her 2 sons,they are twins and are always complaining about how they don't want to go to her work, and 1 daughter who loves to come in and help out with the store, so she leaves most of the work to her employees.

"Yes, yes mum I will come visit soon! I just got a lot of stuff to do at work and I haven't gotten the chance to ask my boss if I could have time off" I said to my mum over the phone "

Tiffany me and your father and really missing you, and your younger brother is getting bored without you here!" My mum is always saying over the phone about how she is missing me and how she wants me to move closer to them.

"Mum I swear I will visit soon just give me time!"

"okay okay, tiff stay safe for me and god bless you" and my mum hung up the phone. my parents are very religious, I remember going to church every Sunday and sitting down in the pews and listening on to the priest blabber on about god and how we can prevent sins, mind you I was only a kid and didn't understand and half of it, I would just take my toys

And draw some pictures.

I am still in my pyjamas and dressing gown so I decided to go get dressed and do my hair, but first I checked the forecast,

"sunny weather! Perfect" I grabbed my blue Friday crop top and a hoodie to wear on top if I get cold, some shorts and black tights to wear underneath.

then I tied my hair up in to a messy bun to hid my ugly waves that seemed to pop up today.

I raced downstairs to get my breakfast almost slipping over and hitting my head off a door.

"Toast today?"I checked the bread bin, no bread

"okay then... Cereal?" I check the cereal cupboard, a bit of sheddies and cornflakes

"meh, can't be bothered" so I decided to go out for breakfast and get a proper English breakfast. I put my blue converses on and raced out my apartment and down the steps as the lift was broken, it really bugged me but I guess it's good exercise running up and down stairs.

I got to the bottom and got in my car and pulled the keys out and turned the agnation and set of to get my long waited breakfast before heading into work.

Finally I got to my favourite coffee shop

"hi!" I smiled t the lady at the counter

"hi darling what can I get cha?" She asked me as I scanned the menu

"umm I will have bacon and beans with some chips?" I thought I would treat myself as I think my daily exercise succeeded quite well, running up and down the stairs.

I sat down a table and waited for my food while staring out the window watching all the people walk by.

A few minutes later my food came and I ate it so fast I got a bit of indigestion and i still had 30mins till work, I got up and payed and got to work early.

The meal came to £7.50 good price for an ace breakfast. When I got to work I was the only one there no boss still but what can you expect she has still got to get her kids ready for school.

So while I waited I got some of the flowers organised and added some more water to the tubs.

Finally my boss came in

"hi" I smiled at her

"hello Tiffany! You early and I see you set up the store, thank you!" She gave me a pleasant smile

"no problem! I wanted to talk to you about something quickly" she placed her bags in her office and came back out

"sure, what about?" Her smile was warm and friendly and her lace dress looked really pretty with her blonde hair cut into a long bob,

"I wanted sometime off to visit my family in Canada, they really miss me and it would be great to see them again after a year" her face dropped a tiny bit but them she understood and she nodded in agreement

"yes, you may have sometime off work, I think it would be great for your parents to see you again" I got up and gave her a hug

"THANK YOU!!" I screamed

"you have to work for a month and then you can have have a month off" I smiled and ran off into the back were my bag is and got my phone out and texted my mum about the good news

Got time off in a month!! See you soon! Xx

She replied a few minutes later with

gr8!! Can't wait to tell the family see you soon
* ***********
A few hours had passed and it had just started to get a bit busy,
I sat at the till doodling Until I heard the bell on the door and I sat up quickly to see a boy with blonde dirty hair come into the shop

"hi, how can I help?" I asked him

"hi, I just came to get some flowers for my sister it's her birthday today!" His London accent strongly came through

"oh tell her the flower girl said happy birthday!" I giggled

"will do" he replied as he went over to select the flowers he wanted

"there ya go" he said handing me some white roses, I smiled at him as I warped the flowers into a Boquie and handed them to him

"that's £7 please" I said smiling, he handed over the money and said goodbye

"bye! See ya soon!" I shouted after him as he left. Lots more people came and bought flowers and my shift finally ended, I got my hoodie on and my handbag and got in the car and drove home to my lovely apartment where I have to climb the stairs cause the stupid lift I broken.

I got in and gave a massive sigh as I let myself fall onto my sofa. "Canada here I come!"

for all you new readers, im just going to explain my situation, i forgot my account details and found them out again a year later. so now im trying to sort this story out since it had no paragraphs. so please bear in mind im working on that and i will also be trying to update at the same time!

thank you for your pacience! :)

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